PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM DATA_SET_ID = "RO-C-RPCLAP-2-EXT2-MTP030-V1.0" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2006-10-26T11:45:00 PRODUCT_ID = "RPCLAP030101_CALIB_FRQ_D_P1" ^TEXT = "RPCLAP030101_CALIB_FRQ_D_P1.TXT" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-08-09 NOTE = " This file contains frequency response from sensor/probe 1 to the ADCs. It contains several frequency series each 401 steps long separated by headers. See example header below: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 03/May/2001 13:37:39 FRQRES P1 Density 1Mohm RF=1Mohm 8kHz ADC input Ref harness Source Amp -7.000 Freq. Amp 1 Pha 1 Amp 2 Pha 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The header is 3 lines and the - is not part of the header. Line1: Creation date Line2: Different parameters as follows: P1 Probe/Sensor 1 Density Density mode, also in file name abbreviated with _D_ 1Mohm This is the serial source resistance used during measurements. RF This is the feedback resistor on the amplifiers, thus the current gain. 8 kHz Analog filteres used ADC input Measurment path probe to ADC input Ref harness Means the reference harness was used. Source Amp Gives the amplitude of the frequency source/[dBm] Line3: Column descriptions, note Amp 2 and Pha 2 is not used. Freq Source frequency/[Hz] Amp1 Amplitude/[dB] Pha1 Phase/[Degrees] Then there are 401 lines of data, then a new header and new data etc. " END_OBJECT = TEXT END