PDS_VERSION_ID        = PDS3                                                  
RECORD_TYPE           = STREAM                                                
DATA_SET_ID           =  "RO-C-RSI-1/2/3-ESC3-0878-V1.0"
PRODUCT_ID            = "NMC_SIS"                                            
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME =  2017-09-28T10:50:19.000
OBJECT                = TEXT                                                  
  PUBLICATION_DATE      = 2004-10-28                                          
  NOTE                        = "Brief notes describing contents              
                                 of Network Monitor and Control               
                                 (NMC) Log.  Based on notes                   
                                 provided by Percy Montoya for                
                                 the LMC (Link Monitor and                    
                                 Control) log."                               
END_OBJECT            = TEXT                                                  
                      NMC Logs and Displays                                   
     The NMC (Network Monitor and Control) Log contains all NMC               
messages and operator inputs.  Some of these messages and inputs              
appear in real-time NMC displays.  The log may be restricted to:              
          a certain time period                                               
          a specific subsystem or assembly                                    
          specific types of entries                                           
     Each log entry contains seven data fields (columns).  Each               
entry is delimited by an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair.                
          1) line number, starting with 1                                     
          2) time of day at which the log entry was processed                 
               by the NMC (in HH:MM:SS format);                               
          3) type of log entry (A2 format)                                    
               CA    Completion Advisory                                      
               DA    Deviation Advisory                                       
               PA    Progress Advisory                                        
               C!    Critical Alarms                                          
               E!    Emergency Alarms                                         
               W!    Warning Alarms                                           
               EQ    Equipment List                                           
               OS    Operating System Message                                 
               TD    Timed Directive                                          
               OD    Operator Directive                                       
               DR    Directive Response                                       
               PR    Prompt                                                   
               LR    Late Response                                            
               SD    SPT Directive                                            
               LO    Log Only Message                                         
               TL    Tape Log                                                 
          4) associated system                                                
          5) subsystem                                                        
          6) numeric code                                                     
          7) terse text message                                               
     Interspersed through the regular log entries may be notes                
regarding date changes, pass numbers, link assignments, etc.