============================================================================= ROSETTA SPK Files ============================================================================= This "aareadme.txt" file describes the contents of the KERNELS/SPK directory of the ROSETTA SPICE data server. It also provides the file naming conventions used for the ROSETTA SPK kernels, and it provides identification of the most current version of each kind of SPK file. Some of these SPK files are produced by an automated system located at ESTEC, operated by the ROSETTA Science Ground Segment. For these we have chosen to use the ESOC naming convention for SPK files, which are converted from ESOC's DDID Orbit files. The contents and time span covered by any SPK file may be easily determined using the "brief" utility program available in all copies of the SPICE Toolkit. Examples of usage: %brief <spk_file_name> %brief <*.bsp> %brief <xxx*.bsp> Descriptive information about how/why/when an SPK file was created is usually available in the "comment area" of the file. This may be viewed using the "commnt" utility program available in all copies of the SPICE Toolkit. Use the "-r" option to read the comments. Example: %commnt -r <spk_file_name> All binary SPK files (*.BSP) contained in this directory are unix binary files. These may be used as is (without format conversion) in a non-unix environment when using any recent version of the SPICE Toolkit (Version N0052 or later). [Ref 3b] Contact Jose Luis Vazquez (jlvazquez@sciops.esa.int) or Dave Heather (dheather@rssd.esa.int) if you have any questions. ============================================================================= References ============================================================================= 1. Data Delivery Interface Document (DDID) Appendix H - FD products Issue 3.0 (ROSETTA-ESC-IF-5003) 2. SPK Required Reading. NAIF Document No. 168.10 05 Sep 2002 3. Selected SPICE Tutorials from the NAIF server: ftp://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/toolkit_docs/Tutorials/office/individual_docs a) SPK Tutorial 14_spk.ppt b) Porting Kernels Tutorial 09_porting_kernels.ppt ============================================================================= ROSETTA SPK Directory Structure ============================================================================= aareadme.txt Text file describing the directory structure, the naming conventions for the SPKs, and the current version(s) of each SPK type. former_versions Subdirectory that contains obsolete versions of the SPK files that have been updated in the Current SPK Kernels Set. ============================================================================= ROSETTA Spacecraft SPK Naming Covention for the cruise phase: ffff_______________vvvvv.BSP ============================================================================= token description ------------ -------------------------------------------- ffff Source Product Type Identifier: ORHR -- S/C orbit, Cruise, heliocentric ORER -- S/C orbit, 1st Earth swingby ORMR -- S/C orbit, Mars Swingby, Mars Centric ORFR -- S/C orbit, 2nd Earth swingby, Earth Centric ORGR -- S/C orbit, 3rd Earth swingby, Earth Centric ORPR -- S/C orbit, medium term planning, comet centric ORWR -- S/C orbit, comet centric ORHW -- comet orbit, heliocentric ORHO -- 1st asteroid orbit, heliocentric ORHS -- 2nd asteroid orbit, heliocentric vvvvv version number ============================================================================= ROSETTA Spacecraft SPK Naming Covention for the comet phase: ffff_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_vvvvv.BSP ============================================================================= token description ------------ -------------------------------------------- ffff LORB -- Rosetta lander (Philae) trajectory, VSTP. LORL -- Rosetta lander (Philae) trajectory, LTP. CORB -- comet orbit, VSTP. CORL -- comet orbit, LTP. RORB -- S/C orbit, VSTP. RORL -- S/C orbit, LTP. c is L for long term products or M for medium term products, S for short term and V for very short term (note that there are currently no FD products associated with the short term cycle). nnn is the planning cycle counter on 3 digits, starting from 001, strictly monotonically increasing per planning cycle type e.g.: - for LTP products 001 for pre-landing operations, 002 for first cycle including lander delivery and first extended monitoring phase part and so on. - for MTP products, the counter as agreed between FD and FCT an documented in FCT timelines (see [FOP]), VSPL file and PTSL. vv is the version within the planning cycle (e.g. in case products have to be re-generated, due to errors). Note that a full set of consistent products shall be delivered for a cycle containing the same vv version. In case redelivery is required, a full set of consistent products shall be delivered, with a new incremented vv version. In the same way, FD expects that deliveries of all input products from the SGS corresponding to a given cycle have the same vv version. ww is: - for VSTP products __. - for MTP products generated by FD the version of the corresponding SGS MTP input products. - for LTP products generated by FD for pre-landing operations __ (no SGS inputs are required by FD for LTP for pre-landing operations). - for LTP products generated by FD for the extended monitoring phase the version of the corresponding SGS LTP input products. a is a character indicating the trajectory type that can take the following values: - For VSTP products _. - For MTP/LTP products in the pre-landing phase 'A', 'B' or 'C'... corresponding to nominal trajectory, first backup trajectory, second backup trajectory... - For MTP/LTP products in the extended monitoring phase 'H' for products that correspond to high activity case trajectories or 'P' for products that corresponds to preferred trajectory. vvvvv version number ============================================================================= DSN Stations SPK Naming Convention EARTHSTNS_[spec]_yymmdd.BSP ============================================================================= token description --------- ------------------------------------------------------- [spec] Reference frame label: FX: EARTH_FIXED alias used. ITRF93: ITRF93 label used. yymmdd Release date. ============================================================================= Planet and Satellite Ephemeris SPK Naming Convetion ============================================================================= Use original names assigned by NAIF, in uppercase. For example: DE405.BSP Planetary ephemeris ============================================================================= Current SPK Kernels Set ============================================================================= Note: Files EARTHSTNS_FX_yymmdd.BSP and EARTHSTNS_ITRF93_yymmdd.BSP contain the same data. These files only differ in that the second one use the reference frame label 'ITR93' instead of 'EARTH_FIXED'. 'EARTH_FIXED' alias must be map to either 'ITR93' or 'IAU_EARTH' before using the file. For high accuracy work, the EARTHSTNS_ITRF93_yymmdd.BSP is recommended (on the basis of ease of use). Name Comments --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- C2001Q4.BSP Contains ephemeris data for the comet C2001/Q4 - NEAT. Spans from January 2004 to October 2004. C2002T7.BSP Contains ephemeris data for the comet C2002/T7 - LINEAR. Spans from January 2004 to October 2004. DE405.BSP Contains ephemeris data for planet barycenters, and for the Sun, planets and satellites mass centers. It covers until 2050. EARTHSTNS_FX_yymmdd.BSP Contains ephemeris data for NASA DSN stations relative to the terrestrial reference frame ITR93. In the interest of flexibility, in this file the reference frame is labeled with the alias 'EARTH_FIXED'. Any application using this file must map the alias 'EARTH_FIXED' to either 'ITR93' or 'IAU_EARTH'. This file was released on yy-mm-dd. EARTHSTNS_ITRF93_yymmdd.BSP Contains ephemeris data for NASA DSN stations relative to the terrestrial reference frame label 'ITR93'. This file was released on yy-mm-dd. ESTRACK_Vvv.BSP This kernel defines theposition for each of the ESA ESTRACK ground stations, as seen from the center of the Earth, in the topocentric frame defined in ESTRACK_Vvv.TF. NEW_NORCIA.BSP Contains ephemeris data for the ESA New Norcia station. ORER_______________vvvvv.BSP Contains Rosetta spacecraft reconstructed ephemeris of 1st Earth flyby. Spans the 1st Earth flyby period. These ephemeris corresponds to the ESOC orbit file named: ORER_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS where vvvvv designates the version number. ORFR_______________vvvvv.BSP Contains Rosetta spacecraft predicted ephemeris of 2nd Earth flyby. Spans the 2nd Earth flyby period. These ephemeris corresponds to the ESOC orbit file named: ORFR_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS where vvvvv designates the version number. ORGR_______________vvvvv.BSP Contains Rosetta spacecraft predicted ephemeris of 3rd Earth flyby. Spans the 3rd Earth flyby period. These ephemeris corresponds to the ESOC orbit file named: ORGR_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS where vvvvv designates the version number. ORHO_______________vvvvv.BSP Contains ephemeris for the asteroid Steins, that corresponds to the ESOC orbit file named ORHO_FDXRMY_DA______________vvvv.ROS, where X can be R or L, Y can be A or B, and vvvv is the version number. ORHR_______________vvvvv.BSP Contains Rosetta spacecraft predicted and reconstructed cruise ephemeris. Spans the cruise phase, from launch to comet rendezvous maneouver. These ephemeris corresponds to the ESOC orbit file named: ORHR_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS where vvvvv designates the version number. ORHS_______________vvvvv.BSP Contains ephemeris for the asteroid Lutetia, that corresponds to the ESOC orbit file named ORHS_FDXRMY_DA______________vvvvv.ROS, where X can be R or L, Y can be A or B, and vvvv is the version number. ORMR_______________vvvvv.BSP Contains Rosetta spacecraft reconstructed ephemeris of Mars flyby. Spans the Mars flyby period. These ephemeris corresponds to the ESOC orbit file named: ORMR_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS where vvvvv designates the version number. ORHW_______________vvvvv.BSP Contains ephemeris data for the Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko/67P. These ephemeris are the same contained in the corresponding ESOC orbit file named ORHW_FDLRMA_DA______________vvvvv.ROS, where vvvvv designates the version number. RORB_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_vvvvv.BSP This product defines the Rosetta S/C orbit. It is produced as result of the navigation process and trajectory optimisation for each VSTP cycle. This file covers a period in the future "as optimised", for the up-coming operations. CORB_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_vvvvv.BSP This product defines the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko orbit as result of the navigation process for each VSTP cycle and propagated into the future. LORB_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_vvvvv.BSP This product defines the descend trajectory of the Rosetta lander as result of the lander delivery planning activities. This product is exchanged with the lander team during the lasts VSTP cycles prior to lander delivery. RORL_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_vvvvv.BSP This product contains the long term orbit predictions for the Rosetta orbit. LORL_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_vvvvv.BSP This product contains the prediction of the lander descend trajectory generated at long term, which will be generated once the landing area has been selected. CORL_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_vvvvv.BSP This product contains the long term orbit predictions for the comet orbit. RORC_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_00001.BSP This product contains a Rosetta trajectory prediction for lander delivery, generated as a response to the candidate landing areas requested by the Lander. LORC_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_00001.BSP This product contains a Lander trajectory prediction generated as response to the candidate areas requested by the lander. CORC_Dc_nnn_vv_ww_a_00001.BSP This product contains a comet trajectory prediction for lander delivery. The RORC, LORC and CORC files are provided by FD to the Lander for the purpose of cross verification of the delivery strategy and if pertinent to compare the different landing areas e.g. based on suitability of the descend strategy and communications opportunities. OUTERPLANETS_Vvvvvv.BSP Epemeris information for the outer planets of the solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. It is meant to complement DE405.BSP, which contains information for their barycenters, but not the bodies themselves. ROS_STRUCT_Vv.BSP This file contains the location of various Rosetta instruments and structures. TEMPEL1-9P-DI-P.BSP Contains predicted ephemeris for the comet Tempel-1/9P courtesy of Deep Impact Team. These ephemeris were compute just before the impact. Spans from May 2005 to September 2005. ------------------- This file was last modified on Sep. 9, 2014 (J. Vazquez)