

2015, Jan. 5    NJB  Modified file to account for the leapsecond that
                     will occur on June 30, 2015.

2012, Jan. 5    NJB  Modified file to account for the leapsecond that
                     will occur on June 30, 2012.
2008, Jul. 7    NJB  Modified file to account for the leapsecond that
                     will occur on December 31, 2008.
2005, Aug. 3    NJB  Modified file to account for the leapsecond that
                     will occur on December 31, 2005.
1998, Jul  17   WLT  Modified file to account for the leapsecond that
                     will occur on December 31, 1998.
1997, Feb  22   WLT  Modified file to account for the leapsecond that
                     will occur on June 30, 1997.
1995, Dec  14   KSZ  Corrected date of last leapsecond from 1-1-95
                     to 1-1-96.

1995, Oct  25   WLT  Modified file to account for the leapsecond that
                     will occur on Dec 31, 1995.

1994, Jun  16   WLT  Modified file to account for the leapsecond on
                     June 30, 1994.

1993, Feb. 22  CHA   Modified file to account for the leapsecond on
                     June 30, 1993.

1992, Mar. 6   HAN   Modified file to account for the leapsecond on
                     June 30, 1992.

1990, Oct. 8   HAN   Modified file to account for the leapsecond on 
                     Dec. 31, 1990.  


The contents of this file are used by the routine DELTET to compute the 
time difference

[1]       DELTA_ET  =  ET - UTC                                         
the increment to be applied to UTC to give ET. 

The difference between UTC and TAI,

[2]       DELTA_AT  =  TAI - UTC

is always an integral number of seconds. The value of DELTA_AT was 10
seconds in January 1972, and increases by one each time a leap second
is declared. Combining [1] and [2] gives

[3]       DELTA_ET  =  ET - (TAI - DELTA_AT)

                    =  (ET - TAI) + DELTA_AT

The difference (ET - TAI) is periodic, and is given by

[4]       ET - TAI  =  DELTA_T_A  + K sin E 

where DELTA_T_A and K are constant, and E is the eccentric anomaly of the 
heliocentric orbit of the Earth-Moon barycenter. Equation [4], which ignores 
small-period fluctuations, is accurate to about 0.000030 seconds.

The eccentric anomaly E is given by 

[5]       E = M + EB sin M

where M is the mean anomaly, which in turn is given by 

[6]       M = M  +  M t
               0     1

where t is the number of ephemeris seconds past J2000.

Thus, in order to compute DELTA_ET, the following items are necessary.

          DELTA_AT      after each leap second.

The numbers, and the formulation, are taken from the following sources.

     1) Moyer, T.D., Transformation from Proper Time on Earth to 
        Coordinate Time in Solar System Barycentric Space-Time Frame
        of Reference, Parts 1 and 2, Celestial Mechanics 23 (1981),
        33-56 and 57-68.

     2) Moyer, T.D., Effects of Conversion to the J2000 Astronomical
        Reference System on Algorithms for Computing Time Differences
        and Clock Rates, JPL IOM 314.5--942, 1 October 1985.

The variable names used above are consistent with those used in the 
Astronomical Almanac.


DELTET/DELTA_T_A       =   32.184
DELTET/K               =    1.657D-3
DELTET/EB              =    1.671D-2
DELTET/M               = (  6.239996D0   1.99096871D-7 )

DELTET/DELTA_AT        = ( 10,   @1972-JAN-1
                           11,   @1972-JUL-1     
                           12,   @1973-JAN-1     
                           13,   @1974-JAN-1     
                           14,   @1975-JAN-1          
                           15,   @1976-JAN-1          
                           16,   @1977-JAN-1          
                           17,   @1978-JAN-1          
                           18,   @1979-JAN-1          
                           19,   @1980-JAN-1          
                           20,   @1981-JUL-1          
                           21,   @1982-JUL-1          
                           22,   @1983-JUL-1          
                           23,   @1985-JUL-1          
                           24,   @1988-JAN-1 
                           25,   @1990-JAN-1
                           26,   @1991-JAN-1 
                           27,   @1992-JUL-1
                           28,   @1993-JUL-1
                           29,   @1994-JUL-1
                           30,   @1996-JAN-1 
                           31,   @1997-JUL-1
                           32,   @1999-JAN-1
                           33,   @2006-JAN-1
                           34,   @2009-JAN-1
                           35,   @2012-JUL-1
                           36,   @2015-JUL-1 )
