PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2006-10-31" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2007-04-25 NOTE = "calinfo.txt describes the contents of this directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This directory contains the calibration files necessary for the data calibration, as described in the related documents. The content of each file is described below. V1 in the filename refers to the version of the file. CALINFO.TXT = (this file) describes the content of this directory. VIRTIS_M_VIS_RESP_10_V1.DAT = 432x256 double precision matrix (binary) containing the VIRTIS-M-VIS Instrumental Transfer Function, including the VIS flat- Field. VIRTIS_M_IR_RESP_10_V1.DAT = 432x256 double precision matrix (binary) containing the VIRTIS-M- IR Instrumental Transfer Function, including the VIS flat- Field. VIRTIS_M_HRES_SPECAL_10_V1.TAB = 432 row ASCII table containing the wavelengths of the VIRTIS-M-VIS and -M- IR channels in High Resolution Mode. VIRTIS_M_NRES_SPECAL_10_V1.TAB = 144 row ASCII table containing the wavelengths of the VIRTIS-M-VIS and -M- IR channels in Nominal Resolution Mode. DEAPIXELMAP.DAT = This file contains an image of the H detector with dead pixels identified by value "1". This map is used on board to filter dead pixels when integrating the intensity across the slit. The original dimensions (438x270) are cut to the effective image size starting at the position provided by H_START_X_POSITION and H_START_X_POSITION VIRTIS_H_SPECTRAL_COEF_V1.TAB = This file contains the coefficients of the polynomials used to compute the wavelengths of virtis H channels. There is one polynomial per VIRTIS H spectral order. VIRTIS_H_SPECTRAL_WIDTH_V1.TAB = This file contains the coefficients of the polynomials used to compute the FWHM of VIRTIS H channels. There is one polynomial per VIRTIS H spectral order. VIRTIS_H_TRANSFERT_FCT_V1.TAB = This file contains the transfer function for VIRTIS H channels. Each column corresponds to one VIRTIS H spectral order. VIRTIS_RESAMPLED_IR_NOM.TAB = Kurucz solar irradiance from 1 AU resampled at ROSETTA VIRTIS_M-IR sampling and resolution in nominal resolution mode (144 bands). Solar irradiance expressed in (W/m^2/micron) VIRTIS_RESAMPLED_VIS_NOM.TAB = Kurucz solar irradiance from 1 AU resampled at ROSETTA VIRTIS_M-VIS sampling and resolution in nominal resolution mode (144 bands). Solar irradiance expressed in (W/m^2/micron) VIRTIS_RES_IR_HIGH_V10.TAB = Kurucz solar irradiance from 1 AU resampled at ROSETTA VIRTIS_M-IR sampling and resolution in high resolution mode (428 bands). Solar irradiance expressed in (W/m^2/micron)" VIRTIS_RESAMPLED_VIS_HIGH.TAB = Kurucz solar irradiance from 1 AU resampled at ROSETTA VIRTIS_M-VIS sampling and resolution in high resolution mode (428 bands). Solar irradiance expressed in (W/m^2/micron)" HSOLEILROS2014.TAB = Solar irradiance from 1 AU resampled at ROSETTA VIRTIS_H sampling and resolution). Solar irradiance expressed in (W/m^2/micron)" VIRTIS_M_VIS_DIFF_OFF.TAB = Diffraction offset correction for VIRTIS-M visible channel; VIRTIS_M_VIS_SL_DIFR_V1.DAT = Stray light diffraction correction for VIRTIS-M visible channel. VIRTIS_M-VIS_MED_ART_V1.DAT = Matrix for the artifact correction for VIRTIS-M visible channel VIRTIS_M-IR_MED_ART_V2.DAT = Matrix for the artifact correction for VIRTIS-M infrared channel