Issue:1    Revision:0

November 10, 2004

Mission Commissioning Results Review

Andrea Diedrich
Karl-Heinz Glassmeier
Ingo Richter

Institut f�r Geophysik und extraterrestrische Physik
Technische Universit�t Braunschweig
Mendelssohnstra�e 3,  38106 Braunschweig

1.	Introduction

This document describes the results of the 
commissioning and interference campaign concerning the 
RPC MAG experiment. The tests were executed  from 
March 17. - October 14, 2004.
Details and an overview of the measured data can be 
found in:
RO--IGEP--TR0006: Report of the Commissioning  
PART 1, March 17. -- March 19, 2004
RO--IGEP--TR0008: Report of the Commissioning  
PART 2, May 05. -- May 10, 2004
RO--IGEP--TR0010: Report of the Commissioning  
PART 3, September 6. -- September 10, 2004
RO--IGEP--TR0011: Report of the Interference 
Campaign,  September 20. -- October 14, 2004
RO--IGEP--TR0012: Investigation of the impact of 
ROSETTA's Reaction wheels on the Magnetic Field 

These documents can be found on :
user:		anonymous 
directory: 	/pub/rosetta/docs 

A copy is also available on the RPC server at the 
Imperial College.

2.	Activities during CVP
2.1	Functional Tests

*	RPCMAG could be switched on successfully every 
time and worked as expected.

*	RPCMAG was tested in all modes successfully.

*	Both RPCMAG sensors are working nominally.

*	Sensor temperatures: - 120�C ... -45�C

2.2	Boom Deployment 

The MAG Boom deployment was successfully performed 
on March 19th, 2004.

*	The s/c generated Residual field before Deployment 
        		~200 nT  at the IB sensor
 		~740 nT  at the OB sensor

*	The s/c generated Residual field after Deployment 
    		~ 250 nT at the IB sensor
 		~100 nT at the OB sensor

*	The noise level after the boom deployment was 
about  a factor of ten lower than before the 

All measurements were taken at a  sensor temperature of  
about T = -88�C.


Figure 1:The magnetic Field at the IB sensor during the 
boom deployment


Figure 2: The magnetic Field at the IB sensor during the 
boom deployment

3.	Cognitions from CVP

3.1	DC Analysis - Temperature Behaviour

*	S/C generated Residual field after Deployment
    	   ~ 250 nT @ IB		~100 nT @ OB

*	 RPCMAG readings vary with temperature

*	 Temperature dependence of RPCMAG offset
     	deviates from GND CAL results.
		The most likely reason for this is that the ground 
calibration was only be performed down to -60�C, 
the observed temperatures in space, however, are 
going down to -125 �C.

==>     A New temperature model has to be applied

3.1.1	The old Temperature Model 
The quality of the ground calibration based temperature 
model of the sensors  was checked using the following 

*	Long term investigation:  May - September 2004
All available commissioning data were taken
*	Averages  were built on a 10 minute base


Figure 3: 600s average OB Magnetometer readings, 
calibrated with ground calibration results, versus sensor 

It is obvious that a strong correlation between the sensor 
temperature and the MAG sensor readings occurs. 
Therefore, a better temperature model has to be 

3.1.2	The new Temperature Model 
To get an idea of the real dependence between the MAG 
sensor readings and the sensor temperature the 10 minute 
averaged MAG data were plotted versus the temperature.
Refer to Figure 4. As a result it turned out, that a cubic 
Temperature model (solid line) like 

    		      Bi*(t) =Bi(t) - P3i(T(t)) 

Describes the sensor behaviour in a convenient was. The 
original ground based model was just a pure linear 

The successful application of the new model to the data 
can be seen in Figure 5.


Figure 4: 600s average OB Magnetometer readings 
versus sensor temperature.


Figure 5: 600s average OB Magnetometer readings, 
calibrated with the new temperature model, versus sensor 

3.2	AC-Analysis: Impact of the Reaction wheels

The signal analysis revealed that

*	there is always a sinusoidal disturbance in the order 
of 1nTpp with slow varying frequencies.
*	The observed frequencies of the disturbers are 
different for different modes.   ==> Aliasing effect
*	Disturbance can be seen on OB, IB & ROMAP
This behaviour is displayed on the following diagrams.
3.2.1	Typical Timeseries


Figure 6:  Typical timeseries of  OB burst mode data. 

Data were zoomed in a 1 minute interval. The DC level is 
quite stable,  the noise is in the order of 0.7 nTpp.

3.2.2	Typical Powerspectra

The power spectra reveal discrete, monofrequent signals 
in the order of a few Hertz if the MAG signal is sampled 
with 20 Hz.


Figure 7: Typical Power spectra. Data of the OB sensor 
in Burst mode. X and Y component in s/c coordinates is 

3.2.3	Typical Dynamical Spectra


Figure 8: Typical Dynamic spectra. Data of the OB 
sensor in Burst mode (20 Hz sampling) in s/c coordinates 
is plotted. 


Figure 9: Typical Dynamic spectra. Data of the IB sensor 
in Burst mode (1Hz  sampling) in s/c coordinates is 
The dynamic spectra show various spectral lines beside 
the "real magnetic field data". These line vary slowly 
with the time and show specific structures. The shape of 
these disturbance lines is specific to the sampling 
frequency of the MAG sensosrs. All these criteria lead to 
the guess, that the disturbance might be an Aliasing effect 
and might be dependent of ROSETTAs  four reaction 
3.2.4	The Reaction Wheels 

The next figure show the speeds of the reaction wheels in  
rpm. The data are taken from the DDS. The panels show 
the timeseries of the parameters

*	NAAD60014
*	NAAD6024
*	NAAD6034
*	NAAD6044
The parameters have been calibrated using the DDS 
calibration value 0.50813.
Figure 12 shows the same data but in the unit of Hertz 
rather than Rpm.

Figure 10: Revolutions of all 4 Rosetta Reaction wheels 
in rpm.

Figure 11: Revolutions of all 4 Rosetta Reaction wheels 
in Hertz.

3.2.5	Reaction Wheels - Seen from the MAG sensors

Figure 12: Magnetic signature of the 4 Reaction wheels 
seen by a sensor which is sampled with 20 Hertz.


Figure 13: Magnetic signature of the 4 Reaction wheels 
seen by a sensor which is sampled with 1 Hertz.
To get an idea how the "high frequent" reation wheel speeds 
would appear on sensor which is only sampled with 20 Hz or 
1Hz the wheel data have been shifted and folded down to the 
Nyquist frequency interval according the sampling theorem.
The result can be seen in Figures 13 and 14.

3.2.6	AC-ANALYSIS : Results

*	RPCMAG clearly identifies the signatures  of  the 4 
Reaction wheels
The comparison of the dynamic spectra of the 
magnetic field data and the reaction wheel frequencies 
from the DDS parameters reveals a nearly perfect 

     ==> Dynamic frequency reduction model  to be  developed
		   to get rid of the reaction wheel impact
*	Spin -Off:
Analysis of OB, IB and - independently -   ROMAP 
revealed a slightly wrong reaction wheel calibration 
factor (1.00335 ~ 4 rpm)

    ==> DDS  HK Calibration Parameters to be updated. 

3.3	Comparison with ROMAP
3.3.1 Power Spectra
Figure 14: Power Spectra of the RPC_MAG OB sensor.
1 s average data in s/c coordinates. 

Figure 15: Power Spectra of the RPC_MAG IB sensor.
1 s average data in s/c coordinates. 


Figure 16: Power Spectra of the ROMAP sensor.
1 s average data in s/c coordinates. 

The Figures 15 - 17 show the Power spectra for of the 
RPCMAG OB, RPCMAG IB, and the Lander 
Magnetometer ROMAP. Data were taken in a 1 Hz 
As result it can be stated, that all three sensors have quasi 
the same dynamic properties. The noise level of the  
RPCMAG sensors seem to be slightly better in the higher 
freuquent part of the spectrum.

3.3.2 Dynamic Spectra
As a last point of the investigation also the dynamic 
spectra for RPCMAG and ROMAP are shown in  Figures 
18 - 20. All there sensor sho the impact ot the reaction 
wheels. The slightly different pictures are caused by 
different sampling modes. 

*	RPCMAG OB was sampled with 20 Hz. The data were  
averaged later to 1s mean values. 
*	RPCMAG IB was sampled with 1Hz. No additional 
averaging was done. The "low activity" areas in the 
spectrum are caused by a mode switching to a low 
smapling mode on the IB sensor.
*	ROMAP was sampled with 1Hz. No additional 
averaging was done.

Therefore, these data show different behaviour 
concerning the response of the reaction wheel speeds.
Figure 17: Dynamic Spectra of the RPC-MAG OB 
sensor. 1 s average data in s/c coordinates.

Figure 18: Dynamic Spectra of the RPC-MAG IB sensor.
1 s average data in s/c coordinates.

Figure 19: Dynamic Spectra of the ROMAP sensor.
1 s average data in s/c coordinates.
4.	Interference Campaign
The analysis of the interference campaign did not show 
remarkable interference effects rather than the reaction 
wheels. A detailed analysis could be performed if a 
detailed list of activities on the s/c (Time, event) would 
be available. A coarse overall first view analysis, 
however, did not show any further problems.

5.	 Instrument Status

RPCMAG is fully operable!

6.	Archiving S/W Status

For the archiving of the data an IDL s/w package called 
    DDS2PDS has been developed. This is a day based
    Data processing tool which 
*	gets data from the ftp sever
*	converts binary to ASCII data
*	calibrates the data
*	generates plots and PDS compliant files

This  s/w is working but always under improvement.

*	New Temperature model already implemented
*	Dynamic frequency elimination to be implemented

According to this, the RPCMAG EAICD is kept up to 

November 10, 2004
, 2002

, 2002

