PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2020-01-22, DJH. Creation" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2020-01-22 NOTE = "This file describes the content of the EXTRAS directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END ***************************** File EXTRINFO.TXT ************************* The Rosetta Housekeeping data files are all stored as ASCII tables (with the extension TAB) in the DATA directory. In cases where the ASCII data were generated from binary files, the original binary data equivalent (with the extension DAT) is available in the EXTRAS directory. All files have an associated detached PDS label file (with the extension LBL) containing key metadata required to read and interpret the corresponding data. A more detailed description of the data files can be found in: DOCUMENT/EAICD_HK.PDF and DOCUMENT/USER_GUIDE.PDF The directory structure is mirrored with the DATA directory structure with the addition of this EXTRINFO.TXT file: |--[EXTRAS] Directory containing original binary | | format data files, if available | | | |--EXRINFO.TXT This file | | | |--[PARAMETER] Directories containing data from a | | | given [PARAMETER] | | | | | |-- [YYYY_MM] Directories containing data from the Year | | | and Month | | | OR | | |-- [YYY_QX] Directories containing data from the Year | | | | and Quarter | | | | | | | |-- *.DAT Binary data files | | | |-- *.LBL PDS label file associated with each data product ******************************************************************************