PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-09-15 NOTE = "Explanation of PDS labels for STARDUST Wild 2 Encounter Dynamic Science Experiment data files." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Example label for Dynamic Science Experiment Data File ===================================================== PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 /* File characteristic keywords */ RECORD_TYPE = STREAM /* Identification data elements */ DATA_SET_ID = "SDU-C-DYNSCI-2-WILD2-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "SDU_W2_AACS_TLM.TAB" PRODUCT_TYPE = "AACS_TELEMETRY" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "DYNAMIC SCIENCE EXPERIMENT" INSTRUMENT_ID = "DYNSCI" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "STARDUST" TARGET_NAME = "81P/WILD 2 (1978 A2)" START_TIME = 2004-01-02T19:00:01.360 STOP_TIME = 2004-01-02T19:49:59.443 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "0757537442.013" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "0757540440.035" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2004-09-14T11:35:00 /* Pointers to header and table objects */ ^HEADER = ("SDU_W2_AACS_TLM.TAB",1) ^TABLE = ("SDU_W2_AACS_TLM.TAB",817) OBJECT = HEADER HEADER_TYPE = CSV BYTES = 816 END_OBJECT = HEADER OBJECT = TABLE NAME = AACS_TELEMETRY INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII ^STRUCTURE = "SDU_W2_AACS_TLM.FMT" ROW_BYTES = 204 ROWS = 17460 COLUMNS = 15 END_OBJECT = TABLE END General notes regarding label ============================= * Strings appear in quotes. * Integers and PDS times do not take quotes. * Lists are enclosed within {} type brackets. * If a field is unknown, "UNK" may be entered. * If a field is not applicable to this file, "N/A" can be used. * Fields can spill freely, with or without white space, onto following lines. Definition of Keywords/Values for Dynamic Science Experiment data labels: ========================================================================= PDS version identification keyword(s): PDS_VERSION_ID The version of the present PDS standards document -- PDS3 File characteristics keyword(s): RECORD_TYPE Record format of the file; STREAM for all Dynamic Science Experiment data files because they are variable line length ASCII text files. Product identification keyword(s): DATA_SET_ID "SDU-C-DYNSCI-2-WILD2-V1.0" in all Dynamic Science Experiment data product labels. The fields of this data set ID mean: 'SDU' for Stardust spacecraft; 'C' for mission's target comet Wild 2; 'DYNSCI' for Dynamic Science Experiment data identifier; '2' for the CODMAC processing level; 'WILD2' for Wild 2 encounter data and 'V1.0' for the data set version number. PRODUCT_ID Actual file name. In the example, it is "SDU_W2_AACS_TLM.TAB". PRODUCT_TYPE Type of the product, either "AACS_TELEMETRY" for Attitude Control System telemetry data or "SMALL_FORCES" for ACS thruster firing data. INSTRUMENT_NAME "DYNAMIC SCIENCE EXPERIMENT" in all Dynamic Science Experiment data product labels. INSTRUMENT_ID "DYNSCI" in all Dynamic Science Experiment data product labels. INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME "STARDUST" in all Dynamic Science Experiment data product labels. TARGET_NAME "81P/WILD 2 (1978 A2)" in all Dynamic Science Experiment data product labels. START_TIME Data start time in PDS time format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss). No quotes are needed. STOP_TIME Data stop time in PDS time format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss). SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT Data start time as spacecraft clock. This is treated as a string, and is contained in quotes. Format is "XXXXXXXXX.YYY", where XXXXXXXXX is on-board clock integer seconds and YYY are fractional seconds (as count of 1/256th of a second.) SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT Data stop time as spacecraft clock in the same format as the start spacecraft clock. PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME Time when the file was created given in PDS time format, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss. Object pointer and data object definition keywords: Keywords in this section define the HEADER and TABLE objects and point to the data location within the product. For each of the objects the set of keywords defining it complies with minimum identification requirements.