PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-09-30 NOTE = "Documents accompanying Stardust NAVCAM Data Archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END NAVCAM documentation ==================== The documents in this /DOCUMENT/ directory, along with the files in the /CATALOG/ directory, contain the essentials required to view and understand the data in this data set. The ordering is based on providing information to those who want to look at the data first, and in increasing specificity after that: data description (PDS label description and "Read Me First" quick start; FITS file description; acronyms and abbreviations; Principal Investigator's image log; calibration documents starting with calibration paper; quaternion description; old NAVCAM catalog and documentation. ONLABELS.TXT describes the keywords and values found in the data product PDS labels. AAAREADME.TXT is the "Read me first file" for the entire data set; it is meant to serve as a Table of Contents for the data set, to provide an overview of the contents of the data set, and to aid the user in quickly determining whether this data set satisfies their immediate interest. This file is a duplicate of the top-level AAREADME.TXT file for this data set. NC_FITS_SIS.LBL provides a description of the meanings of the keywords in the FITS product headers. ACROABBR.TXT lists acronyms and abbreviations used in this data set. PIIMGLOG.PDF is the Principal Investigator Image Log and provides brief descriptions of the what, when and why of all imaging taken during the prime mission. EXCESSOLD.LBL provides a list of files, which were included in data sets delivered before October, 2015 and excluded in the data sets delivered in October, 2015. KLAASENETAL2011.LBL is a preprint of Klaasen, et al., 'Stardust-NExT NAVCAM Calibration and Performance,' [KLAASENETAL2013]. NC_CAL_OVERVIEW.LBL provides an overview of the NAVCAM data calibration. NAVCAM_SHUTTER_POLARITY.LBL provides an image that is a flowchart of the logic process used to determine the NAVCAM shutter blade polarity. Shutter blade polarity is an integral part of NAVCAM data calibration. The DESCRIPTION of the document label file includes a discussion of the polarity determination process. QUATERNION_DESC.LBL provides a description of the convention used for the spacecraft attitude quaternions in the PDS labels of the data. NAVCAM_CAT_OLD.TXT is the old PDS CATALOG file, for comparison, from Stardust prime mission archive data sets /DOCUMENT/ directory layout =========================== /DOCUMENT/ | +-- DOCINFO.TXT This file | +-- AAAREADME.TXT Data set "Read me first" file | +-- ONLABELS.TXT PDS data label documentation | +--NC_FITS_SIS.LBL PDS label for NAVCAM FITS SIS +--NC_FITS_SIS.HTM Dual HTML+ASCII NAVCAM FITS SIS | +-- ACROABBR.TXT Acronyms and abbreviations | |-- PIIMGLOG.LBL Principal Investigator IMaGe LOG |-- PIIMGLOG.PDF Principal Investigator IMaGe LOG (Adobe PDF) |-- PIIMGLOG.ASC Principal Investigator IMaGe LOG (CSV) | |-- EXCESSOLD.LBL Files excluded from Oct, 2015 data sets |-- EXCESSOLD.CSV Files excluded from Oct, 2015 data sets (CSV) | +--KLAASENETAL2011.LBL PDS label for NAVCAM calib paper preprint +--KLAASENETAL2011.PDF NAVCAM cal paper preprint (Adobe PDF) +--KLAASENETAL2011.HTM NAVCAM cal paper preprint (Dual ASCII+HTML) +--KLAASENETAL2011_FITnn.PNG NAVCAM cal paper preprint figures (PNGs) | +--NC_CAL_OVERVIEW.LBL PDS label for NAVCAM calibration Overview +--NC_CAL_OVERVIEW.HTM Dual HTML+ASCII NAVCAM calibration Overview +--NC_CAL_OVERVIEW_FIG1.PNG Figure to go with .HTM file | +--NAVCAM_SHUTTER_POLARITY.LBL PDS label for NAVCAM polarity flowchart +--NAVCAM_SHUTTER_POLARITY.JPG NAVCAM polarity flowchart (JPEG) +--NAVCAM_SHUTTER_POLARITY.PDF NAVCAM polarity flowchart (PDF) | +--QUATERNION_DESC.LBL PDS label for quaternion description +--QUATERNION_DESC.ASC Quaternion description for PDS data labels | +--NAVCAM_CAT_OLD.TXT Old PDS CATALOG file, for comparison, from | Stardust prime mission archive data sets | |--OLDDOC/ Directory containing copies of selected files | from the Stardust Prime mission data set | documentation for information and comparison. | See OLDDOC/ODOCINFO.TXT for more information. |--ODOCINFO.TXT File describing contents of OLDDOC/ |--*.LBL PDS Labels for files; the DESCRIPTION keyword | will have more information about the individual | document files. |--*.* Document files pointed to by the labels. |--*/ Optional subdirectories.