reply notes by Boris Semenov, August 17, 2005. ------------------------------------ brief summary of corrections (05/08/22): -- none of the data files already in the data set was changed; -- the following templates, text docs, and labels were revised/added to address the liens: ./AAREADME.TXT ./ERRATA.TXT ./DOCUMENT/DOCINFO.TXT ./DOCUMENT/CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE.TEX ./DOCUMENT/CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE.PDF ./DOCUMENT/MISSION_PLAN.LBL ./DOCUMENT/MISSION_PLAN.PDF ./DOCUMENT/M_PLAN_SUPA.LBL ./DOCUMENT/M_PLAN_SUPA.PDF ./DOCUMENT/M_PLAN_SUPB.LBL ./DOCUMENT/M_PLAN_SUPB.PDF ./CATALOG/INST.CAT ./CATALOG/DATASET.CAT ./CATALOG/INSTHOST.CAT ./CATALOG/MISSION.CAT ./INDEX/INDEX.TAB ./INDEX/INDEX.LBL ------------------------------------ Reviewers: David Lien, Marina Fomenkova. On telecon: Chuck Acton General Comments ---------------- M. Fomenkova feels the documentation is about 90% complete. Obvious errors have been corrected, and explanations have been supplied â*“ although they are not easily understood. She feels the documentation is now sufficient (just). D. Lien says it looks like all the pieces are there, but has not actually attempted to do the calibration. There is some confusion over some inconsistencies between what the document describes as being present, and what is actually in the file. _______________________________________________________________________________ LIENS ===== Calibration Document -------------------- Unless otherwise noted, the following will be resolved by Marina Fomenkova and Ludmilla Kolokolova: o M. Fomenkova notes that the paragraph between formula 2 & 3 is confusing. Halfway through it appears to refer to the following equation rather than the first. The authors admit this is confusing, but offer no resolution. Marina and Ludmilla will attempt another round of editing and pass it by the investigators before archiving. o In the paragraph following formula 3, David notes that an example of typical values for the variables a and b would be a big help. Examples are given later for equation 4, but a forward reference to section 3.4 would help. Also, stating that the 10^-2 variation in a is of order a few percent would help. o Marina notes that there used to be a reference to a document of thumbnail images (in the first version reviewed) which was requested. This could not be generated by NAIF, so the references were deleted. It was a resource issue. Mike suggests this would take 3-5 days of effort to get. If it is possible to generate these, it would help. But this is not critical. NOTE: Anne Raugh will investigate generating a set of thumbnails to see if this can be done without extraordinary effort o Ludmilla will investigate improving the placement of tables in this document (a LaTeX issue). -> NO CHANGE: as I understand from your note no action is required from us (SDU DMA) on these items. -> DONE: copied "the last version" :) of the calibration doc in PDF and LATEX format sent by Ludmilla on 08/19/05 to document directory. file ---------------- o "DFMI" is used without definition. -> DISCUSS: "Dust Flux Monitor" is mentioned in the first paragraph of the "Mission Overview". DFMI can be added there. -> DONE o There is a reference to information being extracted from the "Stardust Mission Planning Document", without sufficient information to locate the document. Get that information, and if appropriate incorporate the document into the archive. Chuck found the document with a JPL publication number, which he will email to me. NOTE: I have a Word format of this document. Do we have permission to republish? If so, I will create a PDF form and include both in the archive. -> DISCUSS: This document in included in PDF format on the SDNC data sets. Do we need to copy it to this data set as well or do we need to do something else? -> DONE: copied mission plan document (MISSION_PLAN.PDF) and two mission plan supplements (M_PLAN_SUPA.PDF, M_PLAN_SUPB.PDF) and their labels from the latest NAVCAM volume to the DOCUMENT directory; updated DOCINFO.TXT and AAREADME.TXT to reflect that. o Date formats in the text are inconsistent. -> NO CHANGE: ??? I have never heard of a requirement to have all dates in a free form test (which this description is) to be in the same format. I scanned through the text and all dates look reasonable. Why do we need to edit it? -> NO CHANGE o It is not clear why the listed REFERENCE_KEY_IDs are even in there - they're not cited or described. Investigate and edit accordingly. -> DISCUSS: I think I'm utterly confused about this subject. I have always thought that listing all references that might be needed to get the whole picture of what the mission is about is appropriate, even if they aren't specifically mentioned in the description text. So all JGR papers describing the Stardust mission and instruments were included even through most of the text in the MISSION_DESC came from the mission plan. Do you propose to take these REFERENCE_KEY_IDs out? -> DONE: added at the end of MISSION_DESC one more section listing all articles pointed to by REFERENCE_KEY_IDs. o Need specific references to papers describing the mission. -> DISCUSS: see previous item. -> DONE: see previous item. Instrument host file -------------------- o Include the ASCII instrument art from the dataset catalog file. -> DISCUSS: Well, the "art" in its current form is intended to illustrate the s/c reference frame and how CIDA is mounted with respect to it. This is why this "art" is provided in the "Coordinate System" section of the DATASET.CAT. I'm not sure that I could fit enough other "things" on it (for example show the other two instruments, DFMI and NAVCAM) to make it suitable for general spacecraft description. I could try though. I have a question on MISSION.CAT and INSTHOST.CAT: if we change them, do we have to replace them on all other data sets? -> DONE: added ASCII art to INST.CAT rather than to INSTHOST.CAT as Anne and I agreed during the telecon on 08/18/05. o Need specific references to papers describing the spacecraft. -> DISCUSS: there are two REFERENCE_KEY_IDs that were put it using the same thinking as with the MISSION.CAT. Will they do? -> DONE: added at the end of _DESC one more section listing the articles pointed to by REFERENCE_KEY_IDs. Instrument file --------------- o Need references to the locations of details of both the instrument (the Kissell paper), and the calibration document that will be included in the archive. -> DISCUSS: for "details of the instrument" there is a REFERENCE_KEY_ID at the bottom; for "calibration document" we can add a small paragraph saying that a calibration example is provided with the data set. -> DONE: added at the end of _DESC one more section listing the article pointed to by REFERENCE_KEY_ID and a note about calibration example. Dataset Catalog file -------------------- o Note that the INTERSTELLAR PARTICLES target name is used because of the pointing of the instrument during cruise (away from interplanetary dust). Chuck notes there is a paragraph on interstellar dust collection in the mission file, though there is not a lot of detail. (The instrument was never actually turned on when interplanetary particles might have been observed.) -> DISCUSS/WILL CHANGE: I have no clue what is the difference between interstellar dust and interplanetary dust. All I know (from various mission docs including info copied to MISSION.CAT) is that CIDA was on to detect interstellar dust stream discovered by previous deep space missions. What missing is a description of the stream that CIDA tried to observe. It probably should be added to the INTRSTEL.CAT and DATASET.CAT. -> NO CHANGE: no change to DATASET.CAT; see note on INTRSTEL.CAT.. o Put the actual STOP_TIME in. -> NO CHANGE: The mission is not over yet and CIDA has already been turned on once since encounter and will be turned on again. We will put it in when the mission is over. -> NO CHANGE o Note the actual number of impact spectra recorded, plus the number of comet, interstellar particle and housekeeping observations. -> WILL CHANGE -> DONE: added counts to the corresponding paragraphs of the "Data Set Overview" o David Lien will provide a description of the confusion he's encountered with trying to determine why and when pairs of channels are null. If it is possible to find an explanation, this should be included in the data set description. -> NO CHANGE: will wait for David's explanation. -> NO CHANGE See also comments under "". Interstellar Particles target file ---------------------------------- o Change the description to something more appropriate, to distinguish between interstellar and interplanetary particles. -> DISCUSS: Again, I have to clue what is the difference between interstellar dust and interplanetary dust, but we should be add more details about the stream that CIDA was trying to observe to the INTRSTEL.CAT. -> NO CHANGE: it turns out that CIDA was NOT specifically turned on and pointed to collect particles from the Interstellar Particle Stream (ISP), for which the collect array was deployed twice during cruise. In fact, CIDA was off diring the second period when the collector was open (2002-08-05 ... 2002-12-09). Instead CIDA was on whenever the s/c had enough power and the project felt it was OK; nothing special was done to orient the s/c in any way to increase possibility of "detecting" particles from any specific direction or in any specific region of the solar system. So, I think that the current statement in the INTRSTEL.CAT: The INTERSTELLAR PARTICLES target name is used when a particle analysing instrument collects data during cruise phase between major mission encounters. Please consult data set documentation for details of what size and type of particles might have been detected. reflects the reality and we can't really add anything, including labeling them as iether interstellar or interplanetary, about the particles that had been detected. file -------------- o Figure out how PRODUCT_TYPE is being used in the labels and make sure it's being used correctly/consistently -> NO CHANGE: Index was generated from labels and, therefore, is consistent with them. PRODUCT_TYPE values are listed DOCUMENT/ONLABELS.TXT and described in the DOCUMENT/CIDASIS.ASC (well, the actual PRODUCT_TYPE values don't appear in the CIDASIS.ASC test but what's written there corresponds to them 1:1.) -> NO CHANGE o There are STOP_TIME values of "N/A" in the index file. STOP_TIME should never be "N/A" when there is a valid START_TIME. -> NO CHANGE: we discussed this one during previous liens resolution cycle (see my note in sdcida_0001.liens.reply050605.txt under edfascii/*.lbl section.) -> NO CHANGE o Invert the order of the lines (so that housekeeping is first) and sort the non-housekeeping data on START_TIME. Note the sort order in the label. -> NO CHANGE: this request is for a truly cosmetic change. I imagine that when dealing with this data set one will load the index to a tool capable of sorting and will re-sort the table as desired. Now the table is sorted by product name which as seems as reasonable as any other way. -> DONE o Column 11 ("LARGE" or "N/A") should be deleted and the notation made in the data set description that small target mode was never used. -> NO CHANGE: having this column does not hurt and keeps index consistent with the labels. Removing it mean lots of tedious work of re-counting starts in .LBL. -> NO CHANGE o There are apparent non-science observations with spectra that have an accelerating voltage of "0.0". Please explain (in the appropriate place). -> DISCUSS: I'll have to divert this one to science folks (or Ludmilla since she is coordinating the "science side" of this activity now.) -> NO CHANGE: per Ludmilla's e-mail from 08/19/05. o Adjust the null voltage marker for column 12. ("999.9" is too large for a field that contains f3.1 numbers). -> NO CHANGE: according for INDEX.LBL (and what is in the INDEX.TAB) the column format is F6.1. -> NO CHANGE o Adjust field sizes to appropriate widths and null values for the values in the field. -> NO CHANGE: ??? again, this means tedious work of re-formatting the table and changing the label for no real gain. -> NO CHANGE: (Anne said that she might do this later.) o Column 12 has no units. Make sure all numerical columns have units. -> WILL CHANGE -> DONE o Column 34: "data" appears twice in a row in the description. Also, all flags are "1", so is this column necessary? -> WILL CHANGE: will change the "data data" but not remove the column. -> DONE o Columns 57-9, et al.: there is a reference to spacecraft relative velocity to the interstellar particle stream. In the data set, the spatial reference for the apex of solar motion must be given so these velocities can be interpreted. -> DISCUSS: It is "Spacecraft velocity relative to interstellar particle stream". So the apex is the s/c, right? -> DONE: added stream velocity parameters to the column descriptions. cidasys.asc ----------- o The acronym "SDU" should be defined/explained as "StarDUst". -> DISCUSS: do we really need to edit this document just for that? -> NO CHANGE: "Acronyms" section already says that "SDU" stands for "Stardust mission". cida_event.fmt -------------- o The terms "HIGH_STRAIGHT" and "LOW_STRAIGHT" are used where the calibration PDF files refers to these as "HIGH_DIRECT" and "LOW_DIRECT". The terminology should be consistent. -> WILL CHANGE Data files ---------- o David has found one file that does not conform to the pattern of the rest of the data. Is this a known anomaly? The file is T20040212144949A in the CRUISE/NEGATIVE branch. It appears to have two calibration signals, including one at the beginning of the observation. Other observations only seem to have these at the end. (Not all spectra were checked). The paper by the investigators implies there should only ever be one calibration signal per observation. -> NO CHANGE: will wait for David's explanation. -> NO CHANGE: per Ludmilla's e-mail from 08/19/05. o Attached labels are awkward to work with, as are the format files. SBN will investigate detaching the labels. If resources are available it will be done by SBN. -> NO CHANGE -> NO CHANGE In addition: ------------ o Tyler has some typos he will send under separate cover. -> NO CHANGE: will wait for Tyler. -> NO CHANGE