CIDA/STARDUST Example of Data Calibration                                     
Jochen Kissel and Johan Silen                                                 
We present a step by step tutorial of how to                                  
calibrate CIDA/STARDUST data using a laboratory                               
spectrum. We convert the numerical units of the                               
instrument readout into meaningful physical                                   
values. A guide for the interpretation of  this                               
time-of-flight signal as a mass spectrum is                                   
1) The Calibration Principle                                                  
The CIDA instrument is described in the document                              
"Cometary and Interstellar Dust Analyzer for                                  
comet Wild 2" by Kissel, J.,,                                          
J.Geophys.Res., 108, (E10), 8114, doi:                                        
10.1029/2003 JE002091, 2003 [KISSELETAL2003]. Be                              
sure to have understood this document before                                  
The term calibration is used here for the                                     
conversion of the digital output of the                                       
instrument into physical values. Calibration can                              
be done to                                                                    
  - the housekeeping data                                                     
  - the target-channel                                                        
  - the spectrum data                                                         
Among them, the last needs a more sophisticated                               
procedure, which is outlined here and                                         
demonstrated with laboratory and in-flight                                    
The data as provided by the instrument consist                                
of housekeeping information and science data in                               
one or several redundant hardware channels. The                               
housekeeping data serve as technical support                                  
information and are not normally needed for data                              
analysis. The data to be analysed therefore                                   
consist of four 8192 samples-long vectors,                                    
representing two high- and two low-sensitivity                                
channels. Two of the vectors may contain zeros                                
to indicate missing data. For details of the                                  
experiment, see the paper we refer to in the                                  
beginning of the section; the data format is                                  
described in FMT files in the DATA directory.  A                              
non-zero channel is used for two purposes. The                                
first half (samples 1 to 4096) carries the                                    
output of the charge sensitive amplifier                                      
connected to the target, the second half is                                   
redundant to the previous nonzero data channel,                               
i.e. serves as an additional measurement of the                               
same signal, but with slightly different gain                                 
properties. At the end of each data vector, a                                 
calibration sequence is recorded that is the                                  
result of injecting four distinct current pulses                              
into the four instrument channels. The sequence                               
usually produces an unwanted transient at its                                 
start.  The calibration pulses are the response                               
to the four injected currents with the values                                 
shown in Table 1. Note, that the starting                                     
positions of calibration signals vary and must                                
be determined independently for each spectrum.                                
Table 1: Values of injected calibration signal                                
into a TOF-spectrum for Channel 1 as an example                               
              Injected    Start                                               
  Name        Signal, uA  Position                                            
  ==========  ==========  ========                                            
  Cal-1       53.2        7351                                                
  Cal-2       167         7501                                                
  Cal-3       532         7651                                                
  Cal-4       1670        7810                                                
  Background  0           8101                                                
A sample laboratory spectrum is shown in Figure                               
1. The y-axis indicates instrument digital                                    
numbers; the x-axis shows instrument 25 ns bin                                
number.  The left upper corner shows the primary                              
signal (the charge released from or introduced                                
to the target) recorded in the low-sensitivity                                
delayed channel (blue line). The middle bottom                                
part of the figure shows the spectra recorded in                              
redundant channels: high-sensitivity direct                                   
(black) and delayed (red) channels and                                        
low-sensitivity direct (green) channel. The                                   
right lower corner shows the calibration signals                              
for the four channels.                                                        

Figure 1: Example spectrum used to demonstrate the calibration process. The relation between the current I (in uA) and the numerical reading N is described by a theoretical equation: N = C1 + C2 I + C3 log( 1 + I / C4 ) [Eq. 1] A useful inverse solution to reconstitute the current I from the digital number N is given by (C2 ( N - N0)) I = C1 ( N - N0) e [Eq. 2] We prefer to use eq. (2) for any practical work. Using the values from Table 1 it is possible to solve it in a least square sense to get the values for C1 and C2. Here N and N0 are respectively the numerical reading and the spectrum numerical background level of the recorded, compressed raw signal. The relation between time-of-flight and ion mass is: t = a sqrt(m) + b [Eq. 3] This relation holds for all ions, which are formed simultaneously, are stable during their flight time and are accelerated to the same kinetic energy. The instrument's reflector compensates for initial energies the ions might have. Ions with different distribution functions for their initial energy may be represented by different peak shapes and thus provoke a slightly different set of a-, b-values determining the peak mass. Note that there is a small ~1% variation of a, depending on whether the impact is central or peripheral due to a small difference in the ion trajectories from the target to the detector. Also, there may occasionally be some spurious peaks present because of ion chemistry processes or collisions with the walls. Knowing positions of two or more mass peaks in a given spectrum, it is possible to find the constants a and b defining the relation between mass and sample time. 2) Application to Laboratory Spectrum ===================================== The example presented is chosen to demonstrate how to produce a time of flight spectrum from the recorded raw signal. The steps involved are the following: i) Compute the mean background of the spectrum: This is conveniently done by taking the very last samples in the spectrum, positions starting at, e.g., 8101. The result is slightly different for the different channels. Make sure that the region used for the background estimation does not contain any real signal. ii) Compute the mean of say 50 samples from each of the channels present starting from the positions given in Table 1. The difference indicates directly the difference in gain. Make sure that there is no contamination by real signal. iii) Knowing the injected currents (Table 1) and the levels (step 2), the constants Ci and N0 can be calculated from formula 2. iv) Having the constants Ci and N, one can build a lookup table for I = I ( Ci, N0, N ). Knowing this completes the amplitude calibration. The spectrum amplitude I is given in uA sampled at 40 MHz (samples are 25 ns apart). v) Looking at the TOF-spectrum and knowing (or guessing) that the first major peak seen is Hydrogen and that the large double peak at end of the spectrum is Silver, it is possible to compute an estimate for a and b (Equation 3) connecting the mass and the time of flight. vi) It is important to note that the relative yields of ions are strongly dependent on the detailed chemical properties of the incident dust grain and of the local target composition and structure. Therefore it is incorrect to infer relative elemental abundances from the above procedure directly. Filters in the detector amplifier eliminate the difference in amplitude due to the smaller flight time of the light ions where the peak width would be below 200 ns. 3) Numerical Values for the Example Spectrum ============================================ This section provides values for the example spectrum (Figure 1). 3.1) Background and Calibration Injection Levels ------------------------------------------------ The background and the calibration levels estimated from 50 samples starting at the positions indicated in Table 1 are shown in Table 2. Table 2: Background and calibration injection levels computed for the example spectrum Background Cal-1 Cal-2 Cal-3 Cal-4 ========== ===== ===== ====== ====== Ch1 18.58 35.84 62.32 90.46 126.86 Ch2 17.16 33.78 59.92 88.76 124.18 Ch3 16.64 41.12 68.24 101.58 143.00 Ch4 15.24 38.78 64.34 96.84 134.36 3.2) Computation of Constants ----------------------------- The computation of the numerical constants has to be made numerically and iteratively using some standard technique. The result is shown in Table 3, which contains the results obtained based on Equations 1 and 2. The solution based on Eq. 2 is more stable and sufficiently accurate. C1 in Eq. 1 is identical to N0 in Eq. 2. Table 3: Coefficients connecting the numerical raw value and the physical current as calculated from the example spectrum using the values in Table 1. C1 C2 ==== ====== Ch1 2.01 0.0183 Ch2 2.10 0.0181 Ch3 1.35 0.0179 Ch4 1.38 0.0192 For calibration, one can either use a lookup table built from Eq.(1) or calculate the current directly from inverse Eq.(2). The first approach may be numerically, unstable but when it works gives somewhat more accurate results. The second approach is stable and simple to use, but for amplitudes larger than the highest injected calibration impulse, can be somewhat inaccurate. However, the errors are smaller than the uncertainties in the physics of ion production rates. 3.3) Transforming Time-of-Flight Spectrum into a Mass-Spectrum ------------------------------------------------- ------------- Identifying the Hydrogen peak at t = 2944, [107]Ag at t = 4614 and [109]Ag at t=4632 gives the three equations: 2944 = a + b 4614 = a sqrt(107) + b [Eqs. 4] 4632 = a sqrt(109) + b The solution is a = 178.8 and b = 2765. In an analog way, one can identify a larger number of masses and solve the corresponding linear equations in a least square manner. The mass expressed in sample coordinates would then be: 2 2 ( t - b ) (t - 2765) m = --------- = ------------- [Eq. 5] 2 4 a 3.1969 x 10 Equations (2) and (5) together with data from Table (3) and the values for a and b completes the calibration procedure. The resulting impact mass spectrum is shown in Figure 2. The interpretation of it requires a solid knowledge of mass spectrometry and is beyond the scope of this paper.

Figure 2: Calibrated spectrum. The mass is fixed using equation (5) and the amplitude using equation (2) and the data values in Table 3. 4) Calibration of Negative Mode Flight Spectrum =============================================== We selected the event NEG31 as an in-flight data example. Its spectrum is shown in Figure 3. The negative mode is indicated by the information in the housekeeping header data.

Figure 3: Flight spectrum, event NEG31 used as an example illustrating the calibration procedure. The amplitude calibration data shown at the end of the spectrum represent the data given in Table 4. 4.1) Background and Calibration Injection Levels ------------------------------------------------- The background and the calibration levels are estimated from 120 samples starting at the positions indicated in Table 4. Table 4: Values of injected calibration signal into a TOF-spectrum, sample position and average value of signal for channel 1 as an example. Injected Starting Name Signal, uA Position ========== ========== ======== Cal-1 53.2 7310 Cal-2 167 7460 Cal-3 532 7600 Cal-4 1670 7740 Background 0 8000 4.2) Computation of Constants ----------------------------- We use equation (2) to perform the amplitude calibration. The logarithm of this equation gives log(I) = log(C1) + log(N-N0) + c2 (N-N0) [Eq. 6] This equation has to be solved for C1 and C2, which can be made in a least-square sense using standard techniques, see e.g. Menke(1984), Geophysical Data Analysis, p 57-59. Here we use a constrained least-square fit requiring that the multiplier for the term log(N-N0) equals 1. Table 5 contains the values representing the average calibration injection levels computed from the injected signal levels. Table 5: Background and calibration injection levels computed for the NEG31 spectrum Background Cal-1 Cal-2 Cal-3 Cal-4 ========== ===== ===== ===== ====== Ch1 15.88 29.24 48.31 71.06 99.29 Ch2 15.01 27.75 46.94 68.18 95.58 Ch3 15.35 33.30 53.24 77.42 108.18 Ch4 15.09 32.02 51.67 75.95 105.26 The resulting values for C1 and C2 are shown in Table 6. No lookup table is required since Eq. (2) provides an analytic function, which describes the relation between physical current expressed in uA and the numeric value of the data. The constrained least-square fit provides values for the constants which are given in Table 6. Table 6: Constants C1 and C2 computed for the NEG31 spectrum using a constrained least square solution to equation (6), expressing currents in uA in equation (2) C1 C2 ===== ====== Ch1 0.978 0.0237 Ch2 1.01 0.0245 Ch3 0.612 0.0245 Ch4 0.681 0.0246 4.1) Transforming Time-of-Flight Spectrum into a Mass-Spectrum ------------------------------------------------- ------------- Determining the mass scale requires identifying some peaks in the spectrum. This can most conveniently be made by identifying at least two peaks. Using these as an initial guess providing an estimate for a and b in Eq. 3, gives a simple approximate scale, which can be refined by identifying additional peaks. This is an iterative process that does require general knowledge about the interpretation of mass spectra. In general, negative mode spectra do not show a pronounced step in the target signal. Instead they usually contain a large electron peak indicating the impact time (mass zero). Often also M=1 is present as is M=13 (CH-). For this example an inspection of the spectrum shows that there are peaks at positions shown in Table 7. Table 7: Peaks identified from the data for channel 1. The mass is computed together with the values for "a" and "b$ using equations (4) and (5). The values for the constants are calculated to be a = 174.05 and b = 4104. The resulting masses are shown. Peak Identification Calculated Position as mass Mass ======== ======= ======= 4100 0 5.9E-4 4283 1 1.05 4707 12 12.00 4731 13 12.97 4800 16 15.98 4827 17 17.25 4951 24 23.67 4976 25 25.09 The mathematics are similar to those in Section 3.3, equations (4) and (5). The results are indicated as calculated mass in Table 7. The calibrated mass spectrum (amplitude and mass both calibrated) is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Enlarged portion of the calibrated mass spectrum. Note the well-behaving channels 1 and 2 superimposed to well within 1-bit accuracy. The low sensitivity channel is not accurate at this low 2-bit amplitude level.