PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2012-02-21 Cornell:BTCarcich Updated for rearrangement of documentation files within subdirectories " RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-08-15 NOTE = "Documents accompanying Stardust-NExT DFMI Data Archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END DFMI documentation ================== The documents in this /DOCUMENT/ directory, along with the files in the /CATALOG/ directory, contain the essentials required to view and understand the data in this data set. Some files have had a form of AAA or AAB prefixed to their file or directory names to promote their position in a lexicographically-sorted listing as an attempt to make them more prominent to, and more likely to be noticed and read by, data set users. AAAREADME.TXT is the "Read me first file" for the entire data set; it is meant to serve as a Table of Contents for the data set, to provide an overview of the contents of the data set, and to aid the user in quickly determining whether this data set satisfies their immediate interest. This file is a duplicate of the top-level AAREADME.TXT file for this data set. It has the benefit of being non-volatile, where the top-level version is not guaranteed to survive future conversions of this data set, within PDS. AA_SIS_TOC.TXT is the "Read me first file" for the data; it is a Table Of Contents (TOC) to other files in the data set which function as a Software Interface Specification. ONLABELS.TXT describes the keywords and values found in the data product PDS labels. ACROABBR.TXT lists acronyms and abbreviations used in this data set. The AADFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW/ subdirectory contains documentation about the integrated data calibration of data from all DFMI sensors. The DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW*.* files give an overview of the DFMI calibration based on the available papers and other documents in this data set. The AC/ subdirectory contains documentation about the calibration of data from the DFMI acoustic sensors. General ------- The AC*.* files also describe the process of calibrating DFMI acoustic data and execute that calibration for the 9P/Tempel 1 encounter. The process is described in detail in [TUZZOLINOETAL2003], [GREENETAL2004] and [ECONOMOUETAL2011]; the descriptions here assume the reader is familiar with those papers. AC_PROCESS.DOC and AC_PROCESS.ASC (originally AcousticSensorCalibrationProcess.doc) ------------------------------------------------- This document gives an overview of the procedures to determine 1) Mass thresholds and effective areas of the DFMI acoustic sensor; 2) Impact rates and fluences from DFMI data. Those procedures are implemented in the included Microsoft Excel workbooks with filenames AC_*.XLS. All workbooks have one or two PDF/A versions of each worksheet in a workbook. One version shows the value in each cell, a second version shows the equations used to calculate the value. AC_T1_CT2IMP.XLS (originally DFM1_Tempel1_acoustic_counts_to_impacts.xls) -------------------------------------------------------- Worksheet "T1 Acoustic data" selects each time sample from the raw data for which the acoustic counters changed and converts those count pairs (N1 and N2, a.k.a. A1a and A1b elsewhere, for the Bumper shield sensor, N3 and N4, a.k.a. A2a and A2b, for the NEXTEL shield sensor; other documents refer to these as AC1 and AC2) from the detectors into number of impacts, as explained in [GREENETAL2004] and [ECONOMOUETAL2011]). Worksheet "T1 Fluence" compares the modeled fluence of a given mass distribution index against the actual number of impacts at the 9P/Tempel 1 encounter and plots the results. The data from this worksheet "T1 Fluence" are also presented as DFMI_CAL.TAB under the /DATA/TEMPEL1/ directory. AC_DFMI.XLS (originally DFMI_acoustic_calibration.xls) ------------------------------------------------------ The mass thresholds and effective areas are calculated in the "eff area calcs" worksheet; plots from those are are contained in the "Eff area plots" worksheet. The "Aeff summary" worksheet gives the effective areas at the assigned mass thresholds for the front shield sensor as a function of mass distribution index, "alpha." The "shield map" and "Relative sensitivity" worksheets contain relative sensitivity data from bead drops. AC_TEMPEL1.XLS (originally Calibration_Tempel1.xls) --------------------------------------------------- The "Penetration" and "LGG sens" worksheets use the Light Gas Gun data to calculate the kinetic energy required to penetrate the front shield. From that energy plus the Tempel flyby speed of 10.9km/s, one can calculate the minimum mass of a particle that can penetrate the first layer of the Whipple shield to be detected by the second acoustic sensor. The PVDFCAL/ subdirectory contains documentation about the calibration of data from the DFMI PVDF sensors. The DFMICAL.* files describe the process of calibrating the DFMI PVDF sensors; these files have been copied from the DFMI data set for the Stardust prime mission to comet Wild 2. The process is described in more detail in [TUZZOLINOETAL2003], [GREENETAL2004] and [ECONOMOUETAL2011]. The user should be aware that the names of these files are similar to, and could be confused with, those of the DFMI encounter calibrated data files (DFMI_CAL.TAB and DFMI_CAL.LBL) in the /DATA/ directory of this data set. The EVENTS/ subdirectory contains a table of thruster firing events. The TEMPEL1_THRUSTER_FIRINGS.* label (.LBL) and TABLE (.TAB) files contains a table of thruster firing events that occured during the 9P/Tempel 1 flyby. Refer to the label file for further detail. /DOCUMENT/ directory layout =========================== /DOCUMENT/ | +--AAAREADME.TXT Data set "Read me first file" | +--DOCINFO.TXT This file | +--ONLABELS.TXT PDS data label documentation | +--ACROABBR.TXT Acronyms and abbreviations | +--AADFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW/ Subdirectory containing documentation | | of overview of DFMI data calibration | | | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW.LBL PDS label for DFMI Calib. Overview | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW.HTM Dual HTML+ASCII DFMI Calib. Overview | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW_FIG1.PNG Figure to go with .HTM file | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW_FIG2A.PNG Figure to go with .HTM file | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW_FIG2B.PNG Figure to go with .HTM file | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW_FIG3.PNG Figure to go with .HTM file | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW_FIG4.PNG Figure to go with .HTM file | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW_FIG5.PNG Figure to go with .HTM file | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW_FIG6.PNG Figure to go with .HTM file | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW_FIG7.PNG Figure to go with .HTM file | +--DFMI_CAL_OVERVIEW_FIG8.PNG Figure to go with .HTM file | +--AC/ Subdirectory containing documentation | | about calibration of DFMI Acoustic | | Sensor data | | | +--AC.LBL PDS label for Acoustic Calibration (AC) | | documentation: | +--AC_PROCESS.ASC - Prose description of AC, ASCII | +--AC_PROCESS.DOC - Prose description of AC, MSWORD | +--AC_DFMI.XLS - DFMI AC data parameters | +-- AC_DFMI_AES.PDF - Aeff summary worksheet (WKS) as | | PDF/A document | +-- AC_DFMI_EAC.PDF - eff area calcs WKS as PDF/A | +-- AC_DFMI_EAC_FORMULAE.PDF - " WKS, PDF/A with formulae | +-- AC_DFMI_EAP.PDF - Eff area plots WKS as PDF/A | +-- AC_DFMI_MAP.PDF - shield map WKS as PDF/A | +-- AC_DFMI_RSN.PDF - Relative sensitivity WKS as PDF/A | +-- AC_DFMI_RSN_FORMULAE.PDF - " WKS as PDF/A with formulae | +--AC_T1_CT2IMP.XLS - Converting count data from Tempel 1 | | encounter to impacts | +-- AC_T1_CT2IMP_EVT.PDF - T1 Acoustic data WKS as PDF/A | +-- AC_T1_CT2IMP_EVT_FORMULAE.PDF - " WKS as PDF/A with formulae | +-- AC_T1_CT2IMP_FLU.PDF - T1 Fluence WKS as PDF/A | +-- AC_T1_CT2IMP_FLU_FORMULAE.PDF - " WKS as PDF/A with formulae | +--AC_TEMPEL1.XLS - DFMI AC Penetration calculations | +-- AC_TEMPEL1_LGG.PDF - LGG sens WKS as PDF/A | +-- AC_TEMPEL1_PEN_FORMULAE.PDF - " WKS as PDF/A with formulae | +-- AC_TEMPEL1_PEN.PDF - Penetration WKS as PDF/A | +-- AC_TEMPEL1_LGG_FORMULAE.PDF - " WKS as PDF/A with formulae | +--EVENTS/ Subdirectory containing thruster firing | | events table | | | +--TEMPEL1_THRUSTER_FIRINGS.LBL PDS label for thruster event table | +--TEMPEL1_THRUSTER_FIRINGS.TAB Thruster event table | +--PVDFCAL/ Subdirectory containing documentation | | about calibration of DFMI PVDF data | | | +--DFMICAL.LBL PDS label for PVDF Calibration (PC) | | documentation: | +--DFMICAL.ASC - Description of PC | +--DFMICAL.PDF - Description of PC | +--OLDDOC/ Directory containing copies of selected files | from the Stardust Prime mission data set | documentation for information and comparison. | See OLDDOC/ODOCINFO.TXT for more information. +--ODOCINFO.TXT File describing contents of OLDDOC/ +--*.LBL PDS Labels for files; the DESCRIPTION keyword | will have more information about the individual | document files. +--*.* Document files pointed to by the labels. +--*/ Optional subdirectories.