SDNC_0001 ========= o Apply uniform label conventions across all Stardust data file wherever possible. o Update catalog files as appropriate. o Change TARGET_NAME to "81P/WILD 2 (1978 A2)" everywhere. o Place the information about the filter wheel failure at a higher level in the documentation, to explain the lack of color data in a mission that advertised color filter observations. Repeat the information in abbreviated form in relevant areas throughout the catalog files. o Update the Annefrank data index to the standards of the early cruise data. o In the index files, expand columns with multple items into individual columns. o Index label descriptions do not match columns in the table starting at column 3. o Remove the software directory and all references to it (aareadme.txt,, etc.). o Data file labels must have LABEL_RECORDS keywords added. o Delete the file. o Remove non-existent keywords, including (but not necessarily limited to): EMEJ2000_SC_QUATERNION SATURATED_PIXEL_COUNT SCAN_MIRROR_ANGLE SCAN_MIRROR_RATE SCAN_MIRROR_TEMPERATURE o errata.txt - All problems listed here that are not going to be corrected must be noted in the appropriate sectiosn of the DATA_SET catalog file. - Items #2 and 9 both mention the same image. The problems look like they are related. These items should be combined into a single one and the information included in the DATA_SET catalog file and/or image label. - Typos: line 48: "images" in "images labels" should be singular line 55: "an will" should be "and will" o - Where did that VOLUME_SERIES_NAME come from? o catinfo.txt - This file says: "More information about contacting the PDS Central Node is available in the AAREADME.TXT file". This is not true. Fix it or delete it. o - Syntax errors: line 1389: "END" is misspelled - Missing DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC and ARCHIVE_STATUS - Headings in the DATA_SET_DESC text do not follow the minimum requirements. Specifically, the "Data Set Overview" topic, which should be first, is missing. (Actually, it's there but in the wrong format.) - The extensive DATA_SET_DESC text is not attributed. Indicate author or cite source. - There is so much information in here I wonder if it shouldn't be a (or several) separate document(s), so that it can be cataloged directly. - Sample labels do not belong in a DATA_SET_DESC. - Keyword definitions from the PDSDD do not belong in a data set description. - Too much irrelevant text - not read. This required heavy editing prior to archiving. - There is information in both the DATA_SET_DESC text and the "errata.txt" file that should be in the CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE text. o - Headings do not follow standards. - There is a table of contents, which implies this was prepared for publication elsewhere, but I see no attribution. Who wrote this and who owns the copyright? Attribute it or delete it. - Documentation this extensive should be in a separate file. - I see a Table 2 and a Table 4, but no Table 3, although one is listed in the contents. - There is a Table 7, but only 6 tables listed in the contents - Typos (spotted while browsing): line 66: "who's" should at least be "whose". ("Whose" is not appropriate for inanimate and intangible objects.) line 303,5,6: The character "(" has been inserted rather than some other symbol - but I'm not sure what. This recurs throughout the text. line 411: "it's" should be "its" - Clearly this text has not bee proofed or technically edited. It must be edited prior to archiving. - There is at least one instance of references to "Stardust Mission documents" in the extensive text, but there are no references listed in the INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO object, where they should be cited. Provide the references and REFERENCE objects and in the INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO list. o - There is no attribution for the extensive text in the INSTRUMENT_HOST_DESC. Provide it or delete it. - Typos: line 22: "earth" should not be capitalized line 62: "Interstellar Dust Particles" should not be capitalized. All over: The name "Wild-2" should not be hyphenated. ... too much text. No time to read it all. It must be edited prior to archiving. o - There are multiple MISSION_TARGET objects - only one is allowed (it may be multi-valued). - The target name "Wild-2" should never be hyphenated. (It's also not in SBN-standard format for comets.) - The second "sentence" of the MISSION_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY is not a sentence. - MISSION_DESC has a table of contents, imlying it was prepared for publication elswhere. Who wrote it and who owns the copyright? - "Wild-2" is systematically misspelled (it should not be hypenated) throughout the text. - Too much text in the MISSION_DESC - did not have time to read it. I did spot the occasional typo while browsing, indicating this has not been proofed. It should be before ingest. - The MISSION_DESC should probably be a separate document. - The text of the MISSION_DESC makes reference to at least one Stardust mission document by reference number, but there are no references cited in the MISSION_REFERENCE_INFORMATION object. This should be corrected. Any and all references cited in the text should be listed in the MISSION_REFERENCE_INFORMATION list. o In the data *.img files: - There are numerous syntax errors in the image labels, all involving "1E+32", which should be "1.E+32". - PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME should not be abbreviated ("JPL/ACT") o docinfo.txt - The text indicates there are "several" documents in the directory, but then goes on to list only two. - The "images/" subdirectory is unexplained in this text, as is the "onlabels.txt" file. o lblinfo.txt - What is the point of this file? If it stays, it should contain the similar information which is currently languishing in the DATA_SET_DESC text (where it certainly does not belong). o onlabels.txt - This duplicates the problematic label information in the DATA_SET_DESC text. It should be combined with the preceeding file. - This text should be edited prior to archiving. o calrpt.lbl - The TEXT object at the bottom of this label is used incorrectly. Text files in this directory require DOCUMENT labels, either individually or collectively. - In fact, all these TEXT objects should be DOCUMENT objects. - There is a syntax error in this labels - a mis-matched END_OBJECT label. - "PDF" is not a valid standard value for DOCUMENT_FORMAT. This should be "ADOBE PDF" - The tables presented as CSV text here should probably be formatted as TABLEs and included in a CALIB directory. - Is there no ASCII version of the text part of the calrpt.pdf document? - Is there copyright information for the calrpt.pdf file? Looks like it was published somewhere. If we do not have permission to republish, this must be withdrawn. o scdesc.lbl - Who owns the copyright on the aerogel brochure? Do we have permission to republish? Do we have permission to use the photos in this context? - When I look at this I see at least one photo laying over text, making it unreadable. - The HTML files reference non-local image files which are not in this directory and are not mentioned in the label. - Who owns the copyright on the web document? o index.lbl - There are syntax errors in this label (missing quote on line 62) - Is this an approved use of a TEXT object?!? - The number of ROWS and ROW_BYTES in the file does not agree with the values given in this label file. - There are numerous column description errors throughout this label. For example: Column 2 (START_TIME) is 23 bytes wide, not 14. Column 3 (SPACECRAFT_CLoCK_START_COUNT) is 14 bytes wide, not 23. Column 7 (FILTER_NAME) is defined as a 6-byte character field, but in the file it is a 5-byte integer (does NOT have character delimiters around it) ...stopped checking here. Could not verify. Is this even the right label for this table? o The size of index.csv is NOT equal to the sum of the sizes of and index.hdr. Why not? (index.lbl and indxinfo.txt say this is just a concatenation of those two files for convenience.) Either explain or correct the discrepancy. ________________ ________________ + If resources allow, convert data files to FITS.