SDNC_0002 ========= - Where did that VOLUME_SERIES_NAME come from? CATALOG/ ======== and - Thanks to the IAU, we now know that ROTATION_DIRECTION is "PROGRADE" by definition. - Missing ARCHIVE_STATUS - The DATA_SET_NAME should be "OF ANNEFRANK" rather than "FOR ANNEFRANK" - SPACECRAFT_NAME is a deprecated keyword - use INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME. - Is there a complete image sequence list we can ingest as a document, rather than reprinting it in sections in various DATA_SET_DESC fields? - There is no attribution for this text. Who is the author and who owns the copyright? - Are there really no references to cite at all? - I noted no typos while browsing quickly through the text, but there was too much of it to read carefully. - If there is only one target on this volume, why is there a target catalog file for Wild 2? - Headings do not follow standards. - We need a name for the instrument PI mentioned in the first paragraph. - We need full citation information for the document mentioned in the first paragraph. Who owns the copyright on that document and do we have permission to use this text? - Under the heading "Scan Mirror Mechanism," the character "(" has been inserted rather than some other symbol - but I'm not sure what. This recurs throughout the text. - No attempt to read the text carefully - The document mentioned in the first paragraph must be included in the INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO object. - SEE THE DOCUMENT DIRECTORY LIST FOR "NC_DES_A.PDF" FOR ADDITIONAL RELEVANT COMMENTS. - The first paragraph mentions a document but does not provide a full citation. This should also be cited in the INSTRUMENT_HOST_REFERENCE_INFO object. - Typos: line 20, 23, et al.: "earth" should not be capitalized when used in the phrase "the earth". - No attempt to read text carefully - The first paragraph mentions a document but does not provide a full citation. This should also be cited in the MISSION_REFERENCE_INFO object. - There appears to be no mention of the Annefrank observations that comprise the present volume in the mission overview. Shouldn't there be? - There should probably only be a single MISSION_TARGET object (with two values). DATA/ ===== *.img - The labels contain keywords that are not in the PSDD: SCAN_MIRROR_ANGLE SCAN_MIRROR_RATE SCAN_MIRROR_TEMPERATURE EMEJ2000_SC_QUATERNION SATURATED_PIXEL_COUNT Have definitions been submitted? What is the status? - SPACECRAFT_NAME is a deprecated keyword. Since INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME is already present, it is redundant. - There is no DESCRIPTION of or explanation for the IMAGE_HISTOGRAM. What are these data? - Why are there LINE_PREFIX_BYTES and LINE_SUFFIX_BYTES on these images? What is in these bytes? DOCUMENT/ ========= docinfo.txt - The "images/" subdirectory is unexplained in this text, as are the "onlabels.txt" and "lblinfo.txt" files. lblinfo.txt - What is the point of this file? If it stays, it should contain the similar information which is currently languishing in the DATA_SET_DESC text (where it certainly does not belong). mission_plan.lbl - Syntax error: "END" is spelled wrong on the last line. - Any chance of an ASCII version of this document (it does contain graphics)? - Do we have permission to republish this? m_plan_supa.lbl - Syntax error: "END" is spelled wrong on the last line. - The DESCRIPTION provided is not particularly helpful or specific. m_plan_supb.lbl - Syntax error: "END" is spelled wrong on the last line. - The DESCRIPTION provided is not particularly helpful or specific. nc_des_a.lbl - Syntax error: "END" is spelled wrong on the last line. - The DESCRIPTION provided is not particularly helpful or specific. - This seems to be a different document from the one cited as the source of the text in the "" file (different title), but there are paragraphs that appear to be word-for-word identical in both that file and this one. What is the correct attribution for the file, and do we have copyright permission to republish this? onlabels.lbl - This label is missing an END statement sd_ea_final.lbl - Any chance of an ASCII version of this document? DOCUMENT/CALRPT/ ================ calrpt.lbl - The "END" statement is missing - the last line contains only an "E" - The TEXT object at the bottom of this label is used incorrectly. Text files in this directory require DOCUMENT labels, either individually or collectively. - In fact, all these TEXT objects should be DOCUMENT objects. - The tables presented as CSV text here should probably be formatted as TABLEs and included in a CALIB directory. - Is there no ASCII version of the text part of the calrpt.pdf document? - Is there copyright information for the calrpt.pdf file? Looks like it was published somewhere. DOCUMENT/IMAGES/ ================ There are no labels in this directory. DOCUMENT/SCDESC/ ================ The Aerogel brochure file (aerogel.pdf) is listed in both the scdesc.lbl and the aerogel.pdf files. This is an error - only one DOCUMENT object should reference this file. scdesc.lbl - The file is truncated, so that the last END_OBJECT and END statements are missing or mangled. - Who owns the copyright on the aerogel brochure? Do we have permission to republish? Do we have permission to use the photos in this context? - The DOCUMENT_NAME is wrong for the Aerogel brochure. It should be "Aerogel: Mystifying 'Blue Smoke'" - When I look at this I see at least one photo laying over text, making it unreadable. - The HTML files reference non-local image files which are not in this directory and are not mentioned in the label. - Who owns the copyright on the web document? aerogel.lbl - The file is truncated, so that the last END_OBJECT and END statements are missing or mangled. - Who owns the copyright on the aerogel brochure? Do we have permission to republish? Do we have permission to use the photos in this context? - The DOCUMENT_NAME is wrong for the Aerogel brochure. It should be "Aerogel: Mystifying 'Blue Smoke'" - When I look at this I see at least one photo laying over text, making it unreadable. INDEX/ ====== index.lbl - SPACECRAFT_NAME is a deprecated keyword - use INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME. - Some of the FORMAT strings are too long (10 character limit). Use repetition factors as needed. - The FORMATs for columns with items would be much easier to deal with if the trailing delimiter were included in the columnd width just as the internal delimiters are. - The INDEX_TABLE is missing the required columns PRODUCT_ID and PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME. - FORMAT for column 52 does not reflect field structure - There are numerous column description errors throughout this label. For example: Column 3 (SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT) is not a TIME field. TIME fields must be in ISO format. This is a CHARACTER field. Starting with column 3, which actually starts at byte 31, not byte 30, all the START_BYTE values appear to be off - and not always by a single byte. ...stopped checking here. Could not verify.