The SDU Navcam Preflight Calibration Data Archive ======================================================================== Introduction ============ This document provides an overview of this volume of the Stardust Navcam Preflight Calibration Data Archive, including a complete listing of the volume contents. This volume contains the calibration data for the Navigation Camera for the Stardust mission. This data was collected on April 8-10, 1998. See the file MISSION.CAT in the CATALOG directory for a description of the Stardust mission. Volume Format ============= This volume has been formatted according to the ISO-9660 level 2 Interchange Standard. This volume does not contain any Extended Attribute Records (XAR). Thus, some VAX/VMS users may have problems accessing files on this volume. File Formats ============ All text documents and other meta information files such as descriptions, PDS object definitions and detached PDS labels are stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of the record. This allows the files to be read by MS-DOS/Windows, Unix, and VMS operating systems. Volume Contents =============== Files on this volume are organized into a set of subdirectories below the top-level directory. The following table shows the structure and content of these directories. In the table, directory names are enclosed in square brackets ([]). See the *INFO.TXT files in each directory for specific information on the files in the directory. (Note: This structure graph was modified to reflect minor changes made when the data were safed with PDS.) [TOP-LEVEL-DIRECTORY] | |-- AAREADME.TXT The text version of the AAREADME file. |-- AAREADME.HTM The HTML version of the AAREADME file. |-- AAREADME.LBL PDS Label for the AAREADME files. |-- ERRATA.TXT The file describing anomolies with the volume. |-- VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of this volume. | |--[CALIB] Directory containing reduced calibration data. | | | +-- CALINFO.TXT Description of files in the CALIB directory. | |--[CATALOG] Directory containing PDS catalog objects. | | | |-- CATINFO.TXT Description of files in the CATALOG directory. | |-- DATASET.CAT Description of navcam preflight calib data set. | |-- INST.CAT Description of the navcam instrument. | |-- INSTHOST.CAT Description of the spacecraft. | |-- MISSION.CAT Description of the mission. | +-- PERSON.CAT Description of personnel created this volume. | |--[DATA] Directory containing all data. | | | |--[ERRATA] Unusable images mentions in ERRATA.TXT | | | |--[MINUS30C] Directory for cal data taken at -30 deg. celcius. | | | | | |--[FILTER0] Directory containing cal data for filter 0. | | |--[FILTER1] Directory containing cal data for filter 1. | | |--[FILTER2] Directory containing cal data for filter 2. | | |--[FILTER3] Directory containing cal data for filter 3. | | |--[FILTER4] Directory containing cal data for filter 4. | | |--[FILTER5] Directory containing cal data for filter 5. | | |--[FILTER6] Directory containing cal data for filter 6. | | +--[FILTER7] Directory containing cal data for filter 7. | | | |--[MINUS40C] Directory for cal data taken at -40 deg. celcius. | | | | | |--[FILTER0] Directory containing cal data for filter 0. | | |--[FILTER1] Directory containing cal data for filter 1. | | |--[FILTER2] Directory containing cal data for filter 2. | | |--[FILTER3] Directory containing cal data for filter 3. | | |--[FILTER4] Directory containing cal data for filter 4. | | |--[FILTER5] Directory containing cal data for filter 5. | | |--[FILTER6] Directory containing cal data for filter 6. | | +--[FILTER7] Directory containing cal data for filter 7. | | | +--[MINUS50C] Directory for cal data taken at -50 deg. celcius. | | | |--[FILTER0] Directory containing cal data for filter 0. | |--[FILTER1] Directory containing cal data for filter 1. | |--[FILTER2] Directory containing cal data for filter 2. | |--[FILTER3] Directory containing cal data for filter 3. | |--[FILTER4] Directory containing cal data for filter 4. | |--[FILTER5] Directory containing cal data for filter 5. | |--[FILTER6] Directory containing cal data for filter 6. | +--[FILTER7] Directory containing cal data for filter 7. | |--[DOCUMENT] Directory containing volume related documents. | | | |-- DOCINFO.TXT Description of files in the DOCUMENT directory. | |-- LBLINFO.TXT Description of PDS label location on this volume. | |-- ONLABELS.TXT Description of PDS labels for these PDS images. | |--[CALRPT] Directory containing calibration report. | | | | | +-- CALIBRPT.PDF The Stardust Navcam Calibration Report. | | | |--[IMAGES] Directory containing supporting HTML images. | |--[NCLOGS] Directory containing calibration logs. | | | | | |--[CORRECTED] Directory containing corrected calibration logs. | | +--[ORIGINAL] Directory containing original calibration logs. | | | +--[SCDESC] Directory for a spacecraft description in HTML. | | | |-- AEROGEL.HTM Description of aerogel sample collecing material. | |-- CAMERA.HTM Description of STARDUST navigation camera. | |-- CAMPHOTO.HTM Photos of the Navigation Camera Engineering Unit. | |-- CAPSULE.HTM Description of sample return capsule. | |-- CIDA.HTM Description of CIDA instrument. | |-- SCDESC.HTM Description of the STARDUST spacecraft. | |-- SD-INST.HTM Description of the STARDUST instrument payload. | +-- WHIPPLE.HTM Description of the Whipple shield and DFMI inst. | |--[INDEX] Directory containing index files. | | | |-- INDXINFO.TXT Description of files in the INDEX directory. | |-- IMGINDX.CSV Index table of calibration images, use with Excel. | |-- IMGINDX.TAB Index table of calibration images on this volume. | |-- IMGINDX.LBL PDS label for IMGINDX.TAB file. | |-- MISSINDX.CSV Index table of missing images, use with Excel. | |-- MISSINDX.TAB Index table of missing images on this volume. | +-- MISSINDX.LBL PDS label for MISSINDX.TAB file. | +--[SOFTWARE] Directory containing software on this volume. | |-- SOFTINFO.TXT Description of the software on the volume. |--[MACPPC] Directory containing software for the Mac (ppc). |--[PCWIN32] Directory containing softawre for the PC (Win32). +--[SUNSOLAR] Directory containing software for Sun or Solaris. Whom to Contact for Information =============================== Stardust Data Management & Archive Stardust Project Office MAIL STOP 301-429 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA, 91109-8099 (818) 354-1296 WWW Site: Data Producer: Applied Coherent Technology Corporation 112 Elden St, Suite K Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 742-0294 WWW Site: Electronic mail address: Cognizant Persons ================= This volume was designed and produced by Howard Taylor and Christopher Hash, Stardust Data Management & Archive, Applied Coherent Technology Corporation for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.