pds4_tools.reader.read_headers module


read_header(full_label, header_label, ...[, ...]) Create the HeaderStructure, containing label, data and meta data for a Header.
read_header_data(header_structure) Reads the data for a single PDS4 header structure, modifies header_structure to contain said data.
new_header(input, **structure_kwargs) Create an header structure from PDS-compliant data.


read_header(full_label, header_label, data_filename, lazy_load=False, decode_strings=False)[source]

Create the HeaderStructure, containing label, data and meta data for a Header.

Headers refer to PDS4 header data structures, which typically describe a portion of the data that serves as a header for some other data format.


full_label : Label

The entire label for a PDS4 product, from which header_label originated.

header_label : Label

Portion of label that defines the PDS4 header data structure.

data_filename : str or unicode

Filename, including the full path, of the data file that contains the data for this header.

lazy_load : bool, optional

If True, does not read-in the data of this header until the first attempt to access it. Defaults to False.

decode_strings : bool, optional

If True, the header data will be decoded to the unicode type in Python 2, and to the str type in Python 3. If False, leaves said data as a byte string. Defaults to False.



An object representing the header; contains its label, data and meta data



Raised if called on a non-header according to header_label.


Reads the data for a single PDS4 header structure, modifies header_structure to contain said data.


header_structure : HeaderStructure

The PDS4 Header data structure to which the data should be added.



new_header(input, **structure_kwargs)[source]

Create an header structure from PDS-compliant data.


input : bytes, str or unicode

A string or bytes containing the data for header.

structure_kwargs : dict, optional

Keywords that are passed directly to the HeaderStructure constructor.



An object representing the PDS4 header structure. The data attribute will contain input. Other attributes may be specified via structure_kwargs.