Source code for pds4_tools.utils.deprecation

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import warnings
import textwrap
import functools

from . import compat

[docs]class PDS4ToolsDeprecationWarning(UserWarning): """ Custom warning for deprecated PDS4 Tools features. Notes ----- Inherits from ``UserWarning`` rather than ``DeprecationWarning`` because the latter is not necessarily shown to user by default. Parameters ---------- message : str, optional Message to show to user. When given, all other options are ignored. name : str, optional Name of feature that is deprecated. Required when *message* is absent. obj_type : str, optional Type of feature that is deprecated; e.g., function or class. Required when *message* is absent. since : str, optional Version from which feature is deprecated. Required when *message* is absent. removal : str or bool, optional Version from which feature may be removed. Defaults to the next release after *since*, unless set to False. alternative : str, optional An alternative API to suggest to the user. addendum : str, optional An addendum following the main deprecation message. """ def __init__(self, message=None, name=None, obj_type=None, since=None, removal=None, alternative=None, addendum=None): if not message: message = ('\nThe {0} {1} was deprecated in PDS4 Tools v{2}'.format(name, obj_type, since) + (' and may be removed in v{0}.'.format(removal) if isinstance(removal, str) else (' and may be removed in the following release.' if removal is not False else '.')) + (' Use {0} instead.'.format(alternative) if alternative else '') + (' {0}'.format(addendum) if addendum else '')) super(PDS4ToolsDeprecationWarning, self).__init__(message)
[docs]def warn_deprecated(since=None, message=None, name=None, obj_type=None, removal=None, alternative=None, addendum=None, stacklevel=1): """ Emit a warning that a PDS4 Tools feature is deprecated. Parameters ---------- since : str, optional Version from which feature is deprecated. Required when *message* is absent. message : str, optional Message to show to user. When given, all other options are ignored. name : str, optional Name of feature that is deprecated. Required when *message* is absent. obj_type : str, optional Type of feature that is deprecated; e.g., function or class. Required when *message* is absent. removal : str or bool, optional Version from which feature may be removed. Defaults to the next release after *since*, unless set to False. alternative : str, optional An alternative API to suggest to the user. addendum : str, optional An addendum following the main deprecation message. stacklevel : int, optional When above 1, makes the warning refer to deprecation()'s caller, rather than to the source of deprecation() itself. Defaults to 1. Returns ------- None """ warn_cls = PDS4ToolsDeprecationWarning warning = warn_cls(message=message, name=name, obj_type=obj_type, since=since, removal=removal, alternative=alternative, addendum=addendum) warnings.warn(warning, category=PDS4ToolsDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel)
[docs]def deprecated(since=None, message=None, name=None, removal=None, alternative=None, addendum=None): """ Decorator to mark a function, property or class as deprecated. Notes ----- Adapted from ``mpl._api.deprecation.deprecated``. Parameters ---------- since : str, optional Version from which feature is deprecated. Required when *message* is absent. message : str, optional Message to show to user. When given, all other options are ignored. name : str, optional Name of feature that is deprecated. Required when *message* is absent. removal : str or bool, optional Version from which feature may be removed. Defaults to the next release after *since*, unless set to False. alternative : str, optional An alternative API to suggest to the user. addendum : str, optional An addendum following the main deprecation message. Examples -------- :: @deprecated('1.3') def func_to_deprecate(): pass """ def deprecate(obj, message=message, name=name, removal=removal, alternative=alternative, addendum=addendum): if isinstance(obj, type): obj_type = 'class' func = obj.__init__ name = name or obj.__name__ old_doc = obj.__doc__ def finalize(wrapper, new_doc): try: obj.__doc__ = new_doc except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass obj.__init__ = wrapper return obj elif isinstance(obj, property): obj_type = 'attribute' func = None name = name or obj.fget.__name__ old_doc = obj.__doc__ class _deprecated_property(property): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__doc__ = kwargs.get('doc') super(_deprecated_property, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is not None: warn_deprecated(message=message, stacklevel=3) return super(_deprecated_property, self).__get__(instance, owner) def __set__(self, instance, value): if instance is not None: warn_deprecated(message=message, stacklevel=3) return super(_deprecated_property, self).__set__(instance, value) def __delete__(self, instance): if instance is not None: warn_deprecated(message=message, stacklevel=3) return super(_deprecated_property, self).__delete__(instance) def finalize(_, new_doc): return _deprecated_property( fget=obj.fget, fset=obj.fset, fdel=obj.fdel, doc=new_doc) else: obj_type = 'function' name = name or obj.__name__ if isinstance(obj, classmethod): func = obj.__func__ old_doc = obj.__doc__ def finalize(wrapper, new_doc): wrapper = functools.wraps(func)(wrapper) wrapper.__doc__ = new_doc return classmethod(wrapper) else: func = obj old_doc = obj.__doc__ def finalize(wrapper, new_doc): wrapper = functools.wraps(func)(wrapper) wrapper.__doc__ = new_doc return wrapper # Create deprecation message _warning = PDS4ToolsDeprecationWarning(name=name, obj_type=obj_type, since=since, removal=removal, alternative=alternative, addendum=addendum) message = str(_warning) # Create adjusted docstring that notes deprecation old_doc = textwrap.dedent(old_doc or '').strip('\n') notes_header = '\nNotes\n-----' if notes_header in old_doc: idx = old_doc.index(notes_header) + len(notes_header) pre_notes = old_doc[:idx] post_notes = old_doc[idx:] else: pre_notes = old_doc + '\n' + notes_header post_notes = '' new_doc = ('*[Deprecated]* {0}\n' '.. deprecated:: {1}\n' ' {2}\n' '{3}').format(pre_notes, since, message.strip(), post_notes) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): warn_deprecated(message=message, stacklevel=3) return func(*args, **kwargs) return finalize(wrapper, new_doc) return deprecate
[docs]def rename_parameter(since, old, new, func=None, removal=None): """ Decorator to indicate that parameter *old* of *func* is renamed to *new*. The actual implementation of *func* should use *new*, not *old*. If *old* is passed to *func*, a deprecation warning is emitted, and its value is used unless *new* was also passed. Notes ----- Adapted from ``mpl._api.deprecation.rename_parameter``. Parameters ---------- since : str Version in which the parameter was renamed. old : str Old name of the parameter. new : str New name of the parameter. func : func, optional Function in which the parameter was renamed. removal : str or bool, optional Version in which support for the old parameter will be fully dropped. Defaults to the next release after *since*, unless set to False. Examples -------- :: @rename_parameter('1.3', 'bad_name', 'good_name') def func(good_name): pass """ if func is None: return functools.partial(rename_parameter, since, old, new, removal=removal) @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if old in kwargs: message = ('\nThe {0} parameter of {1} has been renamed {2} '.format(old, func.__name__, new) + 'since PDS4 Tools v{0}'.format(since) + (' and may be removed in v{0}.'.format(removal) if isinstance(removal, str) else (' and may be removed in the following release.' if removal is not False else '.'))) warn_deprecated(message=message, stacklevel=3) if new not in kwargs: kwargs[new] = kwargs.pop(old) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def delete_parameter(since, name, func=None, removal=None, alternative=None): """ Decorator to indicate that parameter *name* of *func* is being deprecated. The actual implementation of *func* should keep the *name* parameter in its signature. Parameters that come after the deprecated parameter effectively become keyword-only. Notes ----- Adapted from ``mpl._api.deprecation.delete_parameter``. Parameters ---------- since : str Version in which the parameter was deprecated. name : str Name of the parameter. func : func, optional Function in which the parameter is deprecated. removal : str or bool, optional Version in which support for the parameter will be fully dropped. Defaults to the next release after *since*, unless set to False. alternative : str, optional An alternative API to suggest to the user. Examples -------- :: @delete_parameter('1.3', 'unused') def func(used_arg, other_arg, unused, more_args): pass """ if func is None: return functools.partial(delete_parameter, since, name, removal=removal, alternative=alternative) @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): arguments = compat.bind_arguments(func, *args, **kwargs) if name in arguments: addendum = ('If any parameters follow {0}, they should be passed as keywords, '.format(name) + 'not positionally.') warn_deprecated(since=since, name=name, obj_type='parameter', removal=removal, alternative=alternative, addendum=addendum, stacklevel=3) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper