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Abstract: This dataset contains the raw and smoothed (averaged) instrument thermal telemetry for the entire EPOXI mission from 04 October 2007 to 08 August 2013. Measurements were collected by 59 thermal sensors located in the HRII, HRIV, and MRI instruments, on the instrument platform, and on the solar wings of the Deep Impact flyby spacecraft. For Version 3.0, thermal data from 06 February 2011 to 08 August 2013 were added.
DIF-CAL-HRII/HRIV/MRI-6-EPOXI-TEMPS-V3.0 | Browse | Download (91.6 MB) |
Citation to use when referencing this data set: "Carcich, B., D. Hampton, and S. McLaughlin, EPOXI HRII/HRIV/MRI INSTRUMENT TEMPERATURES V3.0, DIF-CAL-HRII/HRIV/MRI-6-EPOXI-TEMPS-V3.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2014."
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