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Database of Comet Polarimetry

This data set has been superseded. Go here for the current version.


Abstract: This dataset presents a collection of 2334 published and 319 unpublished results in cometary polarimetry. The database contains 2653 measurements of linear and circular polarization for 65 comets since 1940. The narrow-band and broad-band measurements within the spectral region 0.3-3.5 micron are presented. The ranges of phase angles, helio- and geocentric distances of comets are 0.4-122 deg, 0.6-4.8 AU and 0.03-4.9 AU, respectively. We have compiled 64 references to the published papers and some unpublished sources. The data are presented in a tabular format (ASCII code). The database can be used as the observational basis for detailed theoretical modeling, interpretation of the phase-angle and spectral dependence of polarization, classification of comets, and for selecting future space-mission targets.

EAR-C-COMPIL-5-DB-COMET-POLARIMETRY-V1.0 Browse Download (65.9 KB)

Citation to use when referencing this data set: "Kiselev, N., Velichko, S., Jockers, K., Rosenbush, V., and Kikuchi, S., Eds., Database of Comet Polarimetry. EAR-C-COMPIL-5-DB-COMET-POLARIMETRY-V1.0. NASA Planetary Data System, 2006."

DOI: 10.26007/QQ8K-DX12

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