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This data set has been superseded. Go here for the current version.
Abstract: This data set contains Raw data taken by the New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto instrument during the CRUISE TO FIRST KBO ENCOUNTER mission phase. This is VERSION 1.0 of this data set. This data set contains data acquired by the spacecraft between 10/25/2016 and 10/22/2017. It only includes data downlinked before 01/01/2018. Future datasets may include more data acquired by the spacecraft prior to 01/01/2018 but downlinked later. The nominal end of mission phase were included in this data set in an attempt to fill out the products at the nominal end of mission phase; refer to the CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE in this data set catalog for more details.
NH-X-SWAP-2-KEMCRUISE1-V1.0 | Browse | Download (253.5 MB) |
Citation to use when referencing this data set: "McComas, D., NEW HORIZONS RAW SWAP KEMCRUISE1 V1.0, NH-X-SWAP-2-KEMCRUISE1-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2019."
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