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DART Shapemodel Archive Bundle

This PDS4 bundle contains a series of related PDS4 collections.

Description: The DART Shapemodel Bundle contains derived stereophotoclinometry (SPC) data products produced by the DART project. The primary inputs to the shape model collections are the calibrated Didymos Reconnaissance and Asteroid Camera for OpNav (DRACO) images from the DART spacecraft and the LICIACube Unit Key Explorer (LUKE) images from LICIAcube spacecraft, as well as SPICE ancillary information. These data are processed through a variety of algorithms resulting in shape, topographic, and geometric information. The bundle also includes documentation that describes the data products for each data collection.

urn:nasa:pds:dart_shapemodel::1.0 [Overview] Browse

PDS citation information for this bundle: "Daly, T., Barnouin, O., Ernst, C., Nair, H., Espiritu, R., Waller, D., DART Shapemodel Archive Bundle, urn:nasa:pds:dart_shapemodel::1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2023."

DOI: 10.26007/96fn-p578

Collections within this PDS4 bundle:

urn:nasa:pds:dart_shapemodel:data_derived_didymos_model_v003::1.0 Derived data products for DART shapemodel: didymos_model_v003 MD5 Checksums Browse (2.1 GB) Download (1.6 GB)
urn:nasa:pds:dart_shapemodel:data_derived_dimorphos_model_v003::1.0 Derived data products for DART shapemodel: dimorphos_model_v003 MD5 Checksums Browse (2.6 GB) Download (1.8 GB)
urn:nasa:pds:dart_shapemodel:data_derived_dimorphos_model_v004::1.0 Derived data products for DART shapemodel: dimorphos_model_v004 MD5 Checksums Browse (2.6 GB) Download (1.8 GB)
urn:nasa:pds:dart_shapemodel:document::1.0 Documentation Collection for the DART Shapemodel Archive Bundle MD5 Checksums Browse (1.2 MB) Download (859.8 KB)

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