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A PDS3 version of this data set can be found here.
Abstract: This data set includes the raw column densities of several gas species observed in the spectra of comet Borrelly, as a function of position in the coma. All measurements were made with the 2.7-m Harlan J Smith Telescope at McDonald Observatory. During the 1981 and 1987-1988 apparitions, the data were obtained with the Intensified Dissector Scanner (IDS), and during the 1994 apparition, the data were obtained with the Large Cassegrain Spectrograph (LCS). These data were migrated from the PDS3 dataset EAR-C-IDS/LCS-3-RDR-BORRELLY-MCDNLD-V1.0.
urn:nasa:pds:gbo-mcdonald:19p_col_density::1.0 | MD5 Checksums | Browse | Download (151.9 KB) |
Citation to use when referencing this PDS4 collection: "Cochran, A. & Farnham, T., McDonald Observatory Column Density Observations of 19P/Borrelly (PDS4 Format), urn:nasa:pds:gbo-mcdonald:19p_col_density::1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2019."
This PDS4 collection is a part of the following PDS4 bundle:
urn:nasa:pds:gbo-mcdonald::1.0 | Groundbased Observations at McDonald Observatory | Browse |
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