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Special Note: There is a known geometry timing error that affects most data products, its effects increasing the closer to the Dinkinesh encounter you are. This will be fixed during lien resolution. Please look at the liens list SPECIAL_NOTE for more details.
Abstract: This collection consists of calibrated image products acquired by the MVIC instrument during the Lucy Mission Dinkinesh Encounter.
urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mvic:data_dinkinesh_calibrated::1.0 [Overview] | Liens | MD5 Checksums | Browse (2.0 GB) | Download (695.5 MB) |
PDS citation information for this PDS4 collection: "Reuter, D., A. Simon, A. Lunsford, H. Kaplan, W. Grundy, C. Howett, M. Montanaro, and G. Weigle, Lucy MVIC Dinkinesh Calibrated Data Collection, urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mvic:data_dinkinesh_calibrated::1.0, D. Kaufmann, M. K. Crombie, C. Gobat, and J. Wm. Parker (eds.), NASA Planetary Data System, 2024."
DOI: 10.26007/f61e-0f52
This PDS4 collection is a part of the following PDS4 bundle:
urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mvic | Lucy L'Ralph MVIC Bundle | Browse |
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