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New Horizons LORRI Data Archive

This PDS4 bundle contains a series of related PDS4 collections.

Description: This bundle contains collections of raw and processed data from the LORRI instrument onboard the New Horizons spacecraft, as well as a calibration collection of ancillary files used to calibrate the data from raw to processed.

urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri::1.0 [Overview] [Errata] Browse

Collections within this PDS4 bundle:

urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:calibration_files::1.0 New Horizons LORRI Reference Files Used in Calibrating Data MD5 Checksums Browse (61.9 MB) Download (26.8 MB)
urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_cal::1.0 New Horizons LORRI KEM1 Encounter Partially Processed Data MD5 Checksums Browse (39.2 GB) Download (16.4 GB)
urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_raw::1.0 New Horizons LORRI KEM1 Encounter Raw Data MD5 Checksums Browse (8.6 GB) Download (1.1 GB)

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