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Vega 1 Infrared Spectrometer Raw Observations of Comet Halley


Abstract: The IKS data from Vega-1 came in various forms. The initial submission from IKI by Dyachkov was in GROUP FITS (binary) for the 'imaging channel'. A separate submission came through the IHW Infrared Studies Discipline and also contained data presented in the FITS format (IHW keywords) for the two 'infrared channels'. In the former case, the three Pvalues carried information on the distance and two angles used to locate the position of the comet on the slit. The other simple keyword values marked only the date, mission, and experiment. The latter data, had not only 101 individual spectra for the 3-5 micron measurements but a composite 'final' 6-12 micron spectrum with associated 'figure 7' from the published results (COMBES, M. et al. 1988, Icarus, 76, 404). For these 101 spectra a cometo-centric distance was quoted rather than a time micron data. Using this information, the distance range was 270534.9 to 39273.22 km. From this comparison, it is inferred that the distance quoted in the IKI submission is also cometo-centric (31596.0 to 16092 km).

VEGA1-C-IKS-2-RDR-HALLEY-V1.0 Browse Download (200.0 KB)

Citation to use when referencing this data set: "Combes, M., and A. V. Dyachkov, VEGA1 INFRARED SPECTROMETER IMAGING CHANNEL DATA V1.0, VEGA1-C-IKS-2-RDR-HALLEY-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 1986."

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