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Almost all proposals to ROSES are required to have a data management plan (DMP) or an explanation of why one is not necessary. For more details, confer with:
What follows here is a summary of what a proposer needs to consider if archiving with the PDS Small-Bodies Node.
The Small Bodies Node archives data concerning comets, asteroids, small satellites, meteorites, and dust, including Kuiper Belt objects, dwarf planets, returned dust samples, and laboratory spectra. Ring data, possibly including small satellites within rings, should be submitted to the Rings Node. Large satellite data is best submitted to the Imaging Node.
Data in this context is mainly concerned with spacecraft/telescopic/laboratory observations and derived products. Results of the computer modeling are accepted only if they produce derived products for mission/observation data that are also archived in PDS and are based on some well-proven (or commonly accepted) modeling techniques. Data that are primarily theoretical in nature should be archived elsewhere. See NASA's Open Data Portal description at the NASA-Funded Research Results site, and NASA's Open Data Portal main site for more information.
Other PDS nodes may have different procedures or guidelines, contact whichever node you think is relevant for your dataset. If you are unsure but think SBN may be the relevant node, contact us first.
If archiving with PDS, ROSES program elements require a letter of support from the relevant PDS Node. We encourage all potential SBN data providers to contact us well in advance of the program deadline for a letter of support, two weeks or more is best. When requesting a letter of support, please include the following information:
We may request more information or iterate with you regarding what details are needed. If appropriate, we will return to you a letter of support that you can attach to your proposal.
NASA ROSES Appendix C (Planetary Science Division Research Program Overview) outlines the requirements for DMPs and archiving. Refer to the overview for a description of what data is covered by the DMP. In general, SBN encourages the submission of any scientifically meaningful data relevant to small bodies in our Solar System.
The schedule should include:
Altogether, a general rule is to submit your data set at least 4 months before your project end date, which includes:
The NASA Planetary Data System Archive is the intended repository. The archive is publicly accessible via online servers maintained by NASA and the PDS node host institutions.
SBN standards and peer-review practices are designed to archive data files with sufficient documentation and ancillary information that the data will be useful, meaningful, and accessible to astronomers in future generations.
Note that PDS4 labels are XML based. If someone on your team has relevant experience with PDS4 or XML, consider pointing this out.