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PDS Support

Current Openings

Past Openings

Research Associate/Small Bodies Research Group (2004)

Dr. Ed Grayzeck, who has managed the Small Bodies Node (SBN) of the Planetary Data System (PDS) for many years, has taken a new position as Head of the National Space Science Data Center at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. We are seeking someone with a range of skills including planetary science related to comets (and/or asteroids), management of a project (involving budgets, personnel, and schedules), and use of and maintenance of standards for archiving and distributing data. The position is also advertised in the AAS Job Register as No. 20769 .

The Small Bodies Node is distributed, with subnodes for asteroids and interplanetary dust science remotely located and with the subnode for cometary science integral to the node operation at U. Maryland. More details can be found at the Small Bodies Node.

The individual selected to fill this position will need to continue some scientific research, preferably related to SBN, such as using data archived at SBN. The individual will also be expected to deal with the monthly reporting required both to NASA HQ and to PDS project management at JPL, coordinate peer reviews of data (analogous to refereeing manuscripts for journals but done in face to face meetings), supervision of staff and students at U. Maryland, preparation of budgets, and acquisition of data from a subset of the missions with which SBN deals. The individual will also be responsible for representing the interests of Small Bodies scientists generally in discussions of PDS standards for archiving or in discussions of allocation of resources across PDS. An overview of the PDS and its mission is available here. The individual is free and encouraged to write proposals for scientific research provided enough effort remains in SBN to carry out the managerial duties.

As noted in the AAS Job Register, applicants should send a CV and the names of three referees from whom letters of reference have already been requested. If it is not obvious from the CV, the applicant should also submit short statement regarding experience with project management, supervision of personnel, the use of standards in data formatting, and any other relevant experience for the position. Referees might also be asked to comment on these aspects of the candidate's abilities.

Applications that are complete by 1 August 2004 will receive full consideration. Appointment can commence anytime after an offer is made but not later than early January 2005.

Scientific or technical questions about the position or about the small bodies research group at UM should be addressed to Michael F. A'Hearn, tel: 301 405 6076 or email. Applications and reference letters should be sent to:

Research Associate/Small Bodies Research Group
University of Maryland
2337 Computer and Space Sciences Bldg.
College Park MD 20742-2421 USA
Attention: Linda Diamond
Tel: 301 405 502
FAX: 301 405 353
Email Submission