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New Horizons SWAP Solar Wind Derived Data v2.0


Abstract: This data set presents characteristics of the solar wind derived from data taken by the New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) instrument as well as pickup ions. This archive contains two data products. For the solar wind derived product each product compiles the CODMAC level 2 source data used, the solar wind proton density, proton speed, proton temerature, proton dynamic pressure, proton thermal pressure, and spacecraft position. For the pickup ion derived product the interstellar pickup ion density, temperature, and pressure is provided. For the solar wind, the data is derived from observations obtained during cruise, Pluto encounter (excluding the period inside the Pluto system), and afterwards. For the pickup ion data, the data set was culled for times when the solar wind speed varied over the ~24 hour period by >1% (~13% of the samples). This is VERSION 2.0 of this data set. The pickup ion data and additional solar wind data what is new to this version.

NH-X-SWAP-5-DERIVED-SOLARWIND-V2.0 Browse (77.3 MB) Download (26.2 MB)

PDS citation information for this data set: "McComas, D., Elliott, H., Mukherjee, J., NEW HORIZONS SWAP DERIVED SOLAR WIND DATA V2.0, NH-X-SWAP-5-DERIVED-SOLARWIND-V2.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2023."

Older versions of this data set:

NH-X-SWAP-5-DERIVED-SOLARWIND-V1.0 Browse (24.8 MB) Download (6.0 MB)

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